My sympathies, Jespah. I also have (had?) bone deterioration. Don't know if it's the same problem as you have, but the periodontist explained that it's genetic, which at least relieves me of my own responsibility. I've always been good about oral hygiene, and dentists have always complemented me on my teeth.
Teeth -- good. Underlying structure -- bad. Last October, I had a bone graft procedure on my full mouth. She (the periodontist) opened up the gum around all my teeth and went to work. Despite my angst beforehand, mostly because I've never had anything major medically-speaking, the procedure was fine. Although I was surprised at how tired I was for about a week after (apparently the result of anaesethic on a first-timer). Also, for several months after, I could not taste salt and anything with sugar hurt. The upside of that was it cured me of my bad snacking habits.
For the first few post-op weeks, I lived on milk, bananas, soups, scrambled eggs, overcooked mac & cheese, V8 juice -- all at room temperature because hot & cold also hurt. Even with that, meals were very drawn out because I had to eat very slowly. I lost weight, another upside.
One tooth, which was healthy but had almost no bone around it, could not be saved. So I'm also have an implant in my future. That's being delayed because my gums continue to be inflamed, despite the 10 minute long twice-daily teeth cleaning regime I do. (2 minutes with standard electric brush, 3 minutes with pointy electric brush around gumline, interdental brush, floss, antibacterial brush, rubber tip thingy for gum massage.)
And money! My insurance covered $500 (hahaha

). With the procedure itself, the anaesthetic, all the follow up visits, and the implant, the final total will probably be around $8k. I asked the periodontist to speak Spanish to me. Why, she asked. Because it represented several vacations to me, to Spain and South America.
But the alternative, the real reason why I had it done, is because dental bone decay can lead to major heart problems and diabetes, among other things.
Ya do what ya gotta do. Dammit.
(Hope all goes well for you.)