I just found a cache of songs I wrote years ago, and at Letty's bequest, I am making an attempt to post some original writing in this forum, despite my shyness

I look back and think that most of it is maudlin and/or dour, the stuff of younger men than I, even at the tender age of 32. However, once in a while, I did show a sense of humour, so here is an offering that has remained relevant, even prophetic, in my current life:
I'd give a penny for your thoughts my dear, but a penny is too much I fear,
for there's nothing in my pockets but a photograph of you.
If you sit there looking pensive I might get a bit defensive
wondering exactly what I've done to you this time.
I know that you get quite dismayed, perusing bills that can't be paid,
and trying to calculate what day foreclosure's going to come,
but there's one thing that I'd like to say, my love for you grows every day
in opposite proportion to my bank account's decline.
So if riches aren't the answer to our problems,
and if love has seen us through much harder times,
what the hell are we doing sitting here renewing
the fourteenth mortgage on the dreams we shared?
I know that in the last few years we've been forced to suffer our worst fears,
but certainly an empty wallet beats and empty heart?
We've always had each other, and I've never loved another,
and that's the only consolation that my poverty allows.
Some say that two can live on love and water alone
but they turned the water off when they reposessed our phone.
They say that at the end of every tunnel there's a light,
but since the electricity went out, things haven't looked so bright
I had only good intentions even though I never mentioned
I could barely feed myself, let alone support you too.
So I hope there's no hard feelings, hope it doesn't send you reeling
when you read our anxious creditor's latest threats to sue.
All original songs welcome!