None of the photos on page one are showing up for me!
Wow, husker! Those photos are gorgeous.
I need to photoshop the flare out of thisonebutI'm not good with PS
This I like the lens barrel effect and my upward view
this young girls name is Basti - she has a great vibrant personality to match her smile
Her wide eyes reminds of an artist that used to be popular about forty years ago.
Vero - she is so photogenic - and lives a life that's so tough many would buckle - I just love this girl like she's my daughter.
People tell me I have an eye for catching portraits - I say someday I'll get a good camera thenwe'll see waht you say.
boomerang wrote:None of the photos on page one are showing up for me!
Wow, husker! Those photos are gorgeous.
They were posted a couple of years ago, so the links might be bad now.
I think you're portraits are GREAT, husker.
"Tenderness" is the word that springs to my mind when I see them. There is such softness..... such care... that shows up.
I confess to always being attracted to photographs of people more than landscapes. To me, the desire to document life is very strong and I think your portraits are beautiful documents.
Where were these portraits taken?
Oh -- and thanks Tico, I didn't even notice the dates on the posts!
Appos if you've already seen this one I took on Vancouver Island
Manalive, that is a tree..
Er, look at that pruning.....
(As I like well laced out trees, I don't say that critically, but the pruning is what my particular eye sees.)
boomerang wrote:
Where were these portraits taken?
Thank You! Most are from the baja california mexico, someday I'll return when health permits.
panzade - way cool, someday I'll get there also.
Local sunset, but well I was trying to learn some photoshop skills and this is not what I was after but pretty darn cool IMO
husker wrote:from my people pictures

the little girls are growing
ok a different girl "Flor"