Thu 21 Jun, 2007 08:41 am
(A) The number of doctors in the U.S. Is 700,000
(B) Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14%
Statistics courtesy of the U.S. Dept. Of Health & Human Services
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. Is 80,000,000 (yes that's 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, All age groups, is 1,500
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.001875%
Statistics courtesy of the FBI
So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand. Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention. :wink:
I know this is in humor...
but I find it hard to believe accidental deaths caused by each physician is over 17% per doctor.
That's totally ridiculous.
or, are you saying 17% of people that have a physician die in an accidental situation each year, whether the physician was involved or not?
I suppose adding up people who die in car and other transportation accidents, falling down stairs, slipping and breaking a hip and dying 4 months later as a result of that, burn victims, drownings etc etc may add up to that total.
but still...this is the type of thing that a stupid person will pick up on and announce to whoever will listen that doctors kill 17% of their patients.
According to what he posted, 17% of doctors caused an accidental death.
I posted this in the Humor Forum for a reason. I take no offense to your "stupid person" remark for that same reason. This is not to be taken seriously.
I didn't call YOU a stupid person timber
I meant that there are lots of dumbasses that come across this stuff every day, and before you know it, are sitting in some bar telling everyone who'll listen how doctors kills their patients.
They'll say "It's GOT to be true, I read it on the "innernet".
I'd say doctors kills no more that 14% of their patients each year.
( She called me Timber
) ... Best compliment I've received all week.
Chai, you going to 311?
maybe I'm scared to ask....what is 311?
It wasn't funny.
I don't know where this thread belongs... but it doesn't have anything to do with humor.
Chai needs the 411 on 311...
Region Philbis wrote:Chai needs the 411 on 311...
yeah, before I have to get all 911 on your ass.
ebrown_p wrote:It wasn't funny.
I don't know where this thread belongs... but it doesn't have anything to do with humor.
Great, thanks for sharing.
This band will be at the Backyard July 4th and 5th. I'll be at the show on the 5th. It's the first time they're playing two nights in Austin... I would call them a Rock / Rap / Reggae mix. Their only number one was a cover of the Cure's
Love Song.
311 is a number which can be used to call the police in non-emergency situations. I don't believe it has been adopted nation-wide as yet.
The band had to defend themselves time and again ... 5 white guys, and someone thought the 311 meant three times the eleventh letter of the alphabet, or KKK. That notion is actually more ridiculous than this thread. It's Domestic Disturbance on the police code.
uh....what do you think my chances of going there are T-branch?
The range is safer than a doctor's office, by far.
Chai wrote:uh....what do you think my chances of going there are T-branch?
'Bout the same as me ever starting another new thread ...
See ya around.
I don't understand either. I was just joking 'cuz you're much more likely to get a "shot" at the Dr's office.