Reply to Francis
Francis wrote:Well, yes. But I just saw them very briefly as they left again for Iceland for the whole month of August...
Hello Francis. I'd like to know:
How do you say, hard nut/tough nut (to crack) in Icelandic?
"A tough and difficult person/place or thing"?
I'd like to know, what is a shorter way to say,
"stifur á meiningunni"(slang)?
What are Icelnandic slangs for:
cool guy besides, toeffar(i)?
cool girl besides "pæja"?
Are there any slang terms I can use for "vixen" and "brat" and "lively, spirited female"?
Are there any slangs for a girl that's a "rascal" or a "rogue"?
Can "hörku kona" or "hörku kvendi"
"Hörð stelpa", "Hörð stulka" and "Hörð tata" be used like slang, and can I use an expression like, "Hörku Beygla", or "Hörð Beygla"? Beygla I know is an Icelandic slang for a woman/girl.
Are there any other slangs I can use for "tough female" besides "hörkukerling "?
Please let me know. Thank you.