Doowop wrote:I was reading somewhere the other day that there is now a move away from work related emails, with one CEO telling everyone that he has declared his email inbox "bankrupt", and had just deleted them as he couldn't possibly find the time to respond.....
The big boss in my department tried to pull that and then she almost opened the gas mask pack (we work on the 10th floor and the fire department ladders don't go that high so, yes, we've been assigned our own little escape packages), which is a big no-no. This happened because she had not read the email re the gas mask pack. Of course my company was not about to personally inform 60,000 or so people to not open the damned gas mask packs.
Anyway, in her case and probably in that CEOs, yeah, some of it is due to improperly sent emails, but it's also due to two things: (1) A culture of CYA all the time, 24/7, no matter what you're working on, so everyone gets copied on everything, regardless of whether it's necessary and (2) the CEO (and my big boss) aren't managing their mail properly.
I helped my direct supervisor manage her mail much better by doing three things: (1) Made 2 rules for her, one sends all of my stuff into one folder and the other sends all of the email regarding a certain data feed into another folder. Now she always knows where those things are and does not have to hunt. (2) Arranged with her that I no longer actually send her reports via email and, instead, I put them on a shared server and just send her the links. This keeps her mailbox from filling up. And (3) Taught her how to archive her email, in case, despite #2, it becomes full. She no longer complains that she can't find stuff or that her mailbox gets so full that she can no longer send and receive. Contrast this with another person on our floor who is continually complaining about this, never finds anything and is always wasting time with the clutter. The changes I made for my supervisor took, I kid you not, less than half an hour, and I also threw in making her a desktop folder of shortcuts to everywhere on the server that we keep stuff, we labeled it nicely and gave it a funky tree icon so whenever she wants reports she just double-clicks on the green tree.
It can be done.