Do you want a christmas avatar?

Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:31 pm
I'm doing all kinds of different things, from a skirt out of old (but in excellent condition) silk saris, to a T-shirt with a scanned/ printed/ iron-on image of my daughter's hand (actual size) making the sign for "I love you", to an arts-and-crafts/ Mission style ceramic plate, which is the source of much of my stress, as I've spent a lot of time on it and REALLY hope a) it turns out, b) the recipient likes it.

That kind of thing.
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:32 pm
bandylu2 wrote:
fishin', I didn't know walrusses celebrated Christmas. Amazine what one can learn on line.

One would think the walrus and the penguin would spend their Christmas in close proximity.. There must be an ice flow around here somewhere.. lol
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:33 pm
Well, if the recipient doesn't like it then he/she doesn't deserve such a wonderful gift and you have my permission to take it back and give it to someone with good taste.
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:34 pm
Hee hee. Like YOU for example! Very Happy

If it turns out I think I'll post a pic here. This (pottery class) is my first extended creative foray in a long time and I'm going hog-wild.

(I'm not sure how cordial the walrus - penguin relationship is... or maybe I'm thinking polar bear - penguin?)
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:40 pm
Personally, I was raised in a zoo so I'm not familiar with you wild types, fishin'. Seems like every time I see my relatives on the telly though, there are just a whole big bunch of penguins and no other lifeforms in sight.
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:40 pm
And what is the plural of walrus????
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:41 pm
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:44 pm
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:44 pm
Nobody corrected me so I'd better say I was kidding:

Both walrus and walruses.
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:45 pm
No, walrii!

(You were kidding? NO!)
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:47 pm
Yes I was kiddin' but it is used (probably started as a joke, dunno).
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Reply Wed 13 Nov, 2002 10:47 pm
But if you don't double the 's', then it would be pronounced with a long 'u' which would make it sound pretty funny. Your first offerring, however, is even funnier sounding, if one can even pronounce it.

I like sozobe's walrii, too -- very Latin.
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Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 04:43 am
Plural of walrus is eggmen.

No hat.

Anyone who puts a festive Santa hat on my head before, say, the solstice, gets some eaten herring in their stocking.
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Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 09:40 am
'Course I want a Chanukah avatar, and Chanukah is actually coming up soon (November 26th, I believe).

Don't worry, I'll find a lit menorah or something like that to use.
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Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 09:46 am
Opus was always afraid of Walruses, in the County Bloom. (Was Milo a desendant of the founders? One wonders. Or, given the marine life theme, flounders.) Of course, it turned out eventually that Opus was a puffin, and not a penguin. Puffins are very nice.

No Christmas hats, please. Per'aps I'll tilt on my axis for the solstice...
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Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 10:02 am
Well umm.. The plural of "walrus" in my case would mean "family". Smile

oooo! Puffins.. lots of puffins off teh coast of Maine. Even more when I was up in Iceland. The Icelandic folks eat Puffin eggs on occassion.. Chicken eggs are quite expensive. They have to import them from the US or Europe since they don't have much by the way of poultry biz up there... But the lil puffin is an endngered species so people always raised a big stink about them eating their eggs up there... Still, Puffin eggs have to be better than the seagull eggs.. yuck! Eggs from a flying rat.
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Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 10:05 am
Opus was a puffin?! Who says? He didn't have nearly the schnoz for it. I mean, heft was fine, but the color was all wrong.
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Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 10:08 am
He says he were a puffin, I swear! Whoever did this page is hep to the confusion:

A couple of years ago I visited a puffin colony (and an ancient monastery) on the Skellig Islands just off the west coast of Ireland. Funny birds; I like them a lot. Wasn't able to get a good snapshot of any, though. They seemed to have no fear of me until I got the camera out, then they'd go hide underneath their rock. Go figure.

Great boat ride, too. Waves bigger than the boat, people throwing up -- good fun.
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Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 10:16 am
I'll be. So he was.

http://www.lpzoo.com/tour/bluetrail/images/puffin.jpg http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/nuggets/2001/010824/opus.jpg
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Algis Kemezys
Reply Thu 14 Nov, 2002 10:20 am
Hello there, Craven,

I'll let you Christmas Hat Me, if you can make me walk.

Is that asking too much ?
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