Wed 13 Nov, 2002 09:46 pm
Ok, so I'm playing with graphics today (I'm tired of looking at code, colors are a welcome respite) and want to practice a bit.
I'm offering to add a Christmas hat to your avatar. I can't do anything fancy (I've done a grand total of 3 graphics in my life now) but if you want a little holiday tweak to your avatar let me know. I'll probably just do this tonight (back to code tomorrow) so if you want an avatar give me a shout.
OH..that would be interesting!!!
Im not sure if it will clash with the leather though ?!
Heck...are you tellin me I cant get a flashin rudolph nose?
eh...its all in good fun and good practice for you so, Im in
Great that you're putting some time into that, it is great fun and a nice change.
I'll try to do something Quinn
I do (though I'm already rather festive), but [WHINE] does the Christmas stuff have to happen NOW?[/WHINE] I admit to having just updated my Christmas list a bit ago, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
Love it, Craven -- now how do I make it appear on my avatar?
Save it to your hard drive then in your profile you can upload it. Lemme know if you need help.
No animation (I haven't tried that yet) but this is what I came up with.
edit: Soz I can make it for you now and you can keep it saved till Christmas nears.
It Worked!!!! I can't believe I actually did it! Thanks, Craven. I feel so Christmassy.
Have ya got a wilted little hat for the drunken walrus?
The red nose is a nice touch.
PEOPLE! IT'S NOT EVEN THANKSGIVING YET! (Though Halloween has passed, at least. But Still. Harrumph.)
<OK, so they're adorable...>
Here's a non-christmas one for you.
Hey, I've got half my shopping done already. Where's your spirit, girl?
sozobe wrote:PEOPLE! IT'S NOT EVEN THANKSGIVING YET! (Though Halloween has passed, at least. But Still. Harrumph.)
<OK, so they're adorable...>
Pssst! But Craven won't be around between Thanksgiving and Christmas! Get'em while ya can! lol
I've got 3/4 of my shopping done. That's what accounts for my (lack of) spirit. (Actually 1/4 shopping done, 1/2 of gifts made, which I think will turn out well and I'll be happy about long-term, but I've been scrambling and stressing about whether things will turn out and contingency plans, etc. )
Thanks, Craven.
Then you are forgiven for your bah-humbug type mood, sozobe. Anyone who makes presents deserves all the support available. I sort of make some (calendars with either digital pictures I've taken or old photos I've scanned in) and this year I'm making albums for each of my kids with scanned photos. But that's about as creative as I can be.
Ah! Thanky Mr. Craven sir! That's beautiful!
fishin', I didn't know walrusses celebrated Christmas. Amazine what one can learn on line.