Fri 1 Jun, 2007 09:46 pm
Recently, a little over 2 weeks ago I had a surgery called Septoplastic and Nasal Polyps removal. I have lost lot of blood and as a result at night time, I am getting too weak and late last night I fell on my back only to save my nose. I want to know what food items are best to replace my lost blood. Please tell me very easily as I am not a pro. Thanks.
Your body replenishes the fluid lost from surgery within 24 hours. It may take up to two months to replace to lost Red Blood Cells.
Drink plenty of fluids (water is best) eat a green vegetables yellow vegetables, carbohydrates and red meat each day.
Minimise caffeine intake.
Blood loss during surgery will be minimal. Any excess blood loss wil be replaced as part of the surgery either by whole blood substitution, fluid replacement (saline) or blood product replacement.
I would be surprised if the surgery was the root cause of your current problem.
I suggest that if you are experiencing problems you believe are as a result of the surgery you should consult your doctor.
Further advice is to increase your fluid intake. you may be dehydrated.
drink 6 - 8 glasses of water a day, (Approximately 1-2 litres).
Consult your doctor.
Never mind food, get to the doctor. Or get someone to call one. You are possibly anemic from blood loss and that should be checked - they usually can tell from quite simple tests.
If you are anemic, they will prescribe restorative vitamins or other ameliorating items.
You may have a blood clotting problem, and that should be checked as soon as possible.
You also might just be panicking - it is hard for us to tell from here, but either way, you need to be checked by people who understand both the post surgical situation and the loss of blood - don't take no for an answer if you are falling from feeling weak.
At the least, call the md's office who did the surgery.
If I was falling from weakness after such a surgery, I'd be all over them, or at least get to an emergency room.
I've been extremely anemic, for another reason, and never fell from it, though I felt faint in summer heat. I turned out to have NO iron stores.
Don't just suffer, get this checked out.
If you are simply panicking, they can reassure you with test results. They are quite basic tests.
And, yes, what dadpad said, there might have been some other reason besides surgery, such as preexisting anemia (though I'd figure they'd check.
Just read the bit about dehydration, yes, that could be going on. No argument with dadpad's food advice.
All in all, call your md. Even on the weekend, there should be an answering service - depending on where you are (which we don't know.)
Salim, again, we don't know where you are posting from. Where I am from, post surgery, we leave with a printed set of instructions. We don't know if you got those (a2kers live around the world and there are different practices) or still have them, or read them, or followed them. Dadpad many be on the mark about dehydration. Or... you may have been bleeding all this time.
Back to the same thing, call your doctor.
Salim stated in a previous post "I am in Toronto". I believe they're originally from India and might not be familiar with Canadian medical system.
I'm torn between (now that dadpad mentioned it) dehydration and serious blood loss. Thinking, electrolytes...
In regard to electrolytes, get a bottle of Gatorade, even drugstores have it. It's a drink to give you electrolytes, on the same shelves as sodas.
Eat a banana (not kidding).
There are probably better drinks for all that, but that can be researched later.
Still, call the doctor.
I'll back off, his md is the one to ask.
medical doctor
I can't think of a more important time to see a medical doctor than this situation. It is a must.
I've heard that fresh coconut water was actually used in IV's in previous wars in place of blood...and I think carrot juice is good too...lots of iron rich foods, kale, broccoli, etc...hope that helps
Yeh, I'm sorry for sloughing off talking about food before, or maybe after, trying to get him to call the doctor before - as it's good he has some info -
but we are not clinicians. CALL YOUR DOCTOR.
No...everyone is right...go see a doctor. I'm into natural stuff and have no insurance, so I'm all about getting creative if its not serious...but this is...