Israel was behind 1976 hijacking to Entebbe

Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 12:27 pm
England releases Entebbe hijack files

Published: June 1, 2007 at 1:34 PM

LONDON, June 1 (UPI) -- Newly released British files on a 1976 hijacking to Entebbe, Uganda, include the claim that Israel was behind the hijacking.

The BBC reported the National Archives file includes a claim made by a source to a British diplomat that the hijackers' demands, which included the release of Palestinian prisoners, were designed to turn the world against the Palestine Liberation Organization.

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans," the British diplomat wrote.

The file doesn't indicate whether England took the claim seriously, the BBC reported.

Israeli forces rescued dozens of hostages aboard the plane and overpowered the hijackers and Ugandan troops.

The Air France flight was hijacked shortly after it left Athens and flown to Uganda with 98 passengers, many of them Israeli, aboard. Two Israeli hostages died during the incident and a third died soon after in a hospital.


"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 12:53 pm
Tell me, Zippo, what terrible thing that happened in the 20th century were the Israelis NOT behind?

Don't get me wrong, I have pretty strong feelings about Israel's behavior toward the Palestinians and it's excessive influence in our government, but really. Impersonating the PLO and hijacking planes just so they could rescue the hostages from themselves? I'm not buying it.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 12:54 pm
Zip loves to hate the Jews. No news here.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 01:07 pm
Now, when did i ever tell you folks to remove your head out of Israels a$$?

I really can't remember. Confused

Here is something interesting for people who want to learn :

9/11 `Hero' Lewin tied to Israeli Intelligence cell

A report in Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on September 17 identifies Lewin as a former member of the Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal, Israel's most successful special-operations unit. [United Press International, 3/6/2002] Sayeret Matkal is a deep-penetration unit...

Sayeret Matkal is best known for the 1976 rescue of 106 passengers at Entebbe Airport in Uganda.

Lewin founded Akamai, a successful computer company, and his connections to Sayeret Matkal remained hidden until the gun story became known.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 09:49 pm
You are either a tiresome one trick pony or you are an utter, vile ass.

Either way it is not a good thing to be Zippo.

Find a urinal somewhere where you can focus your anti-semitism on the piss-cake. You will have the same effect as you have in this forum and the uric acid fumes may clear your dull head.

Does it ever occur to you that you are an idiotic obsessive?

I guess not or you might stop being so.

How sad is your crimped world.
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 01:18 am
Yep Finn. We know Zippo is a one trick pony who tells lies about the israelis. I bet he even belives that they attacked the U.S. Liberty. But we know better. They explained that it was a 2 hour mistake that killed thirtysome U.S. sailors and almost sank the Liberty. The U.S. government even covered it up for the israelis. Oops I mean validated the israelis version of the accident. Right? If there is someone out there who hasn't heard of the U.S. Liberty just type it in a search engine and read about it.
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 10:21 am
"Because the dog is
smarter than his tail. If the tail were smarter, then it would wag the dog."
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 11:14 am
I'll just ignore Finn dAbuzz and his ilk. They're here to derail my thread.

With yesterdays breaking story that Israeli Intelligence participated in the Entebbe hijacking with the goal of framing Arafat's PLO for the crime, it is worth looking back at other incidents of terror and asking if they are what they seem to be.

There is no question that Sin Bet funded HAMAS in the early days for the express purpose of preventing Arafat's PLO from uniting all of Palestine. Israel needed for there to be an opposition group so that they could continue to ignore Arafat at the United Nations under the pretext that Arafat did not speak for "All" the Palestinian people.

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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 11:20 am
rabel22 wrote:
Yep Finn. We know Zippo is a one trick pony who tells lies about the israelis. I bet he even belives that they attacked the U.S. Liberty. But we know better. They explained that it was a 2 hour mistake that killed thirtysome U.S. sailors and almost sank the Liberty. The U.S. government even covered it up for the israelis. Oops I mean validated the israelis version of the accident. Right? If there is someone out there who hasn't heard of the U.S. Liberty just type it in a search engine and read about it.

Yep, that is something the 'Israel can do no wrong' crowd' will never acknowledge.

Click here : Six days of war, 40 years of secrecy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 12:12 pm
Ahh, sounds like a conspiracy to me. Did the Entebbe thing come from Jim Garrison by chance?
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Avatar ADV
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 02:14 pm
I'm going to note that there's a big difference between "Israel did it" and "somebody claimed to a British diplomat that Israel did it." Really? Who was it, the Saudi ambassador? Joe Blow? The pope?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 02:28 pm
Avatar ADV wrote:
I'm going to note that there's a big difference between "Israel did it" and "somebody claimed to a British diplomat that Israel did it." Really? Who was it, the Saudi ambassador? Joe Blow? The pope?

There is a better UK article HERE, you wont get much out of US media.

DH Colvin of the Paris Embassy writes: "According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.
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old europe
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 02:33 pm
Avatar ADV wrote:
Who was it, the Saudi ambassador? Joe Blow? The pope?

Also from the UK media:

[The claim] came via David Colvin, the first secretary at the British embassy in Paris, according to a newly released National Archives file.

He heard it from a contact in the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association three days after the Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris was seized in mid-air by Palestinians and German terrorists on June 27, 1976.

Note also this bit from the declassified file here:

Most of the file is taken up with Foreign Office attempts to distance itself from the Israeli raid while privately admitting that the Israelis were probably justified in sending their troops into President Idi Amin's Uganda.

Frank Wheeler, the first secretary, reported that there was abundant evidence of Ugandan collaboration with the hijackers. Palestinians had been brought from Mogadishu in President Amin's private jet to join the hijackers, according to the file.
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 02:38 pm
Avatar ADV pointed out that " . . . somebody claimed to a British diplomat that Israel did it." So Zippo provides a link to an article in the Scotsman--which has somebody claiming to a British dimplomat that Israel did it. This is typical of what passes for evidence at Zippo's house.
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 02:45 pm
Opps! sorry folks. I had forgotten about the holocaust. Embarrassed
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 02:57 pm
You're the only one whining about the holocaust. The fact of the matter is, you've got hearsay evidence at third hand, and it is only reasonable for people to reserve judgment if you don't come up with anything better than that.
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 03:11 pm
Setanta wrote:
You're the only one whining about the holocaust. The fact of the matter is, you've got hearsay evidence at third hand, and it is only reasonable for people to reserve judgment if you don't come up with anything better than that.

I'm going by the Foreign Office report by a diplomat lead. You're going by the Israel can do no wrong lead. Considering that the Britz are pro-Israel, i doubt they're lying about this information.

Basically they have no reason to lie.
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old europe
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 03:21 pm
Zippo wrote:
Basically they have no reason to lie.

People didn't say that the British lied. The file says that the first secretary at the British embassy in Paris heard that claim from an unnamed contact in the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association.

So, the question is not whether or not to trust the British. The question is whether or not you want to believe what some unnamed contact claimed in order to put the blame on Israel.

(But then, we don't really have to guess, right? You'd believe anything that incriminates Israel, no matter how dubious the source.)
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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 03:42 pm
old europe wrote:
Zippo wrote:
Basically they have no reason to lie.

People didn't say that the British lied. The file says that the first secretary at the British embassy in Paris heard that claim from an unnamed contact in the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association.

So, the question is not whether or not to trust the British. The question is whether or not you want to believe what some unnamed contact claimed in order to put the blame on Israel.

(But then, we don't really have to guess, right? You'd believe anything that incriminates Israel, no matter how dubious the source.)

Black operations of this kind are nothing new. They were a staple during WWII, when many so-called German atrocities were fabricated, such as the sinking of the Athenia on the first day of the war. It's interesting that while people are starting to realise how extensively the Jews/Israelis have indulged in such actions, they still overlooked the black ops that helped frame Germany in the last war.

Documents show Israel aided Entebbe hijack (read them here)

There are a few little points in this saga that might be of interest or use to Trivial Pursuit enthusiasts. As the article says, there was one Israeli killed. What it doesn't say is that he was, Jonathan Netanyahu, the brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, former Israeli PM. Also the Israelis built Entebbe airport so they knew their way around it better than the hijackers.
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Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2007 12:15 am
What is it with you people. The U.S. Liberty is fact that was covered up by the media and our government. Its fact backed up by the sailors who were there and witnessed everything that happened. You just ignore the fact of the liberty hoping it will just disappear. But I haven't forgot it and will bring it up every time a israeli apologist starts spouting this israel is a misunderstood innocent garbage. Israel is for Israel and if a few million U.S.citizens have to die for israel so be it. if they want to make slaves out of the palistianians let them do so by themselves not with U.S. help.
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