That works..................
that the tax cut will be CUT.
that he/she will stimulate the economy with JOBS --infrastructure is bad. railroads need new rails, leaves will need to be picked up. simple things. but JOBS JOBS JOBS. that will stimulate the ecomomy more than any tax cut. we need to build new prisons, schools, places for children to go when parents aren't there. JOBS. be specific
that a national health plan will be started so every american has health care. ove 40 million don't. i am one of the lucky ones who has health care. e soecific on how this mite be worked out.
that the nonsense in iraq will stop.
that bush has abused his power.
that he has a plan to save social security and be specific.
that deregulation will stop--when deregulation only helps the big guy--big business.
i want to hear whoever is chosen have a definate, specific path. and mean it.