Loren Whetstone wrote:Thanks your the only one that has even said anything like that. I do have it all planned out and I think that its going to work.
Loren, honey, you can have it planned out but you can't expect it to go that way. You can hope....You can set a plan but you are talking about another life here. It can't be predicted how your baby will be, if she will be healthy, if you will be healthy, if your boyfriend will stay...on top of that, you are only 16, which may seem so mature to you right now but trust us all when we say you will change your mind a hundred times before you hit 25 about what you want in life and in a partner and from yourself.
It's good to hear that you have a positive attitude about this because you can't very well give the baby back now, although adoption is an option. I am pregnant now and can't imagine giving this baby up though, so I imagine you feel the same.
But being 16, you can't imagine what life has out there for you. Not because you are stupid but because of your limited time here to explore it. You say you don't want to go out and party but being a teenager is more than that. It's not worrying about a rent payment or a car payment or how you're going to feed your baby. It's calling your best friend at 2am to tell her all about the date you just had. Or sleeping in til 11am just because you can! I am sad to know that you will miss out on being able to just be a teenager and develop as a person without the responsibility of helping to develop another person. You will have to fast forward your life. And this life is so short already.
Back in the day, people had babies earlier and were mothers by the time they were 16 because life expectancy was shorter and they had to. But now we have the luxury of stopping to smell the roses. It saddens me that your stop in the flower garden is so short.
I am not saying your life is over. Truly, it has only begun! Your new baby is a blessing. But it will be so different from what it could have been and unless you keep your head in the game, you won't accomplish all you want to. You need to know that most people don't fulfill their life dreams without being in the situation you are in. And the ones that do often don't do it until they are much older. It's hard to stick to a plan with so many variables.
You have a major challenge ahead of you. And I do wish you the best.