Re: "You've Come a Long Way Baby", or, the Evoluti
First of all, this one:
Phoenix32890 wrote:If a woman were raped, her sexual history was brought into question.
Sure hasn't gone away.
The main issue I see,
but am not sure how to deal with, is motherhood and career. It sucks that women are repeatedly passed over for positions because they will just have babies and a) quit, b) need to take time off to chauffeur 'em to doctors appointments and stuff, and c) not work as much as male/ single/ childless peers. (A friend of mine, a physicist, was explicitly told that she wasn't hired as a professor because she was just gonna have babies in a couple of years.

However, it also sucks that in counteracting that all of that, women work way too hard and try to do way too much and the kids are shortchanged.
I have a friend who is a stay-at-home dad, and that's an encouraging trend. I definitely see a lot of dads who are intimately involved in raising their kids.
Still, it's quite a conundrum.