new iraq bill..utter bullshit

reverend hellh0und
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 08:53 am
revel wrote:

I think if we are still in Iraq with no measurable progress, retreating would be a welcome relief rather than political suicide. If there is measurable progress, all the better reason to leave and start taking care of our own country and other issues needing attention. I think it would be one of the first things a democrat president would do with the full support of the country.

I think you give the democrats too much huevos. It would come down to a risk analysis decision. What is the chance that people would view it as a retreat and defeat under a democrat and how will that effect the poll numbers. THat is the impetus here for a dem prez.

Also with Iraq falling into anarchy after a withdrawal with the killings and what not how positive would it remain for a dem prez. Lets also not forget the recent intel info about AQIZ (Al Qaeda in Iraq) would retreat really be a positive thing and remain so?

I dont think so
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 04:29 pm
reverend hellh0und wrote:
Also with Iraq falling into anarchy after a withdrawal with the killings and what not how positive would it remain for a dem prez. Lets also not forget the recent intel info about AQIZ (Al Qaeda in Iraq) would retreat really be a positive thing and remain so?

i dont think so

okay fine. the violence between sunnis and shia has been going on for +/- 1400 years. read it again; fourteen hundred years.

the only reason there was an interuption in iraq was because saddam hussein was an equal opportunity murderer and wasn't about to let anyone rock his boat.

with that in mind, how long do believe that we should maintain combat troops in iraq ? and don't go to the "as iraqis stand up, we'll stand down" thing. they ain't standing and they don't seem to want what bush is trying to force down their throats; democracy.

how enthusiastic are our swell palls in the iraqi government to get it done ? uuhhh. well the real enthusiasm seems to be for still sneaking in that 2 or 3 month vacation this summer. so they can take their freshly printed visas and go someplace that doesn't suck, and party.

if that doesn't tell you what's going on, nothin will.

screw 'em (wasn't legends of the fall a great flick Laughing ). pack up, toss 'em the keys, give a hearty "good luck" and remind them that if we ever have to come back because of their bullsh*t, it won't be to win hearts and minds, but to scatter them via a whole shitload of 500 pounders.

it's just not real smart to keep playin' when the deck goes cold, ya know ?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 04:48 pm
DTOM, We all know that ain't gonna happen, because Bush just finished building the largest US embassy in the world in Baghdad; a whole city with apartments, stores, theaters, and the "embassy" - with the American flag flying from the mast.

Don't matter with chaos surrounding the whole shebang. They still don't want to call it a 'civil war.'
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 06:52 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
DTOM, We all know that ain't gonna happen, because Bush just finished building the largest US embassy in the world in Baghdad; a whole city with apartments, stores, theaters, and the "embassy" - with the American flag flying from the mast.

Don't matter with chaos surrounding the whole shebang. They still don't want to call it a 'civil war.'

yeah, i know cicerone. kinda gives a new slant on the old joke, "when is a door not a door?"

"when it's ajar." Rolling Eyes

it just kills me when i hear the bushies try to play the word game on this stuff. it gets even worse when a 3rd rate hack "historian" like gingrich starts up with his malarky.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 08:27 pm
Bush has been successful in adding whole new meanings to Americana, such as "rockets red glare..."
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reverend hellh0und
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 07:14 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
reverend hellh0und wrote:
Also with Iraq falling into anarchy after a withdrawal with the killings and what not how positive would it remain for a dem prez. Lets also not forget the recent intel info about AQIZ (Al Qaeda in Iraq) would retreat really be a positive thing and remain so?

i dont think so

okay fine. the violence between sunnis and shia has been going on for +/- 1400 years. read it again; fourteen hundred years.

the only reason there was an interuption in iraq was because saddam hussein was an equal opportunity murderer and wasn't about to let anyone rock his boat.

Really? What was Iraq like before Hussein? Links?


with that in mind, how long do believe that we should maintain combat troops in iraq ? and don't go to the "as iraqis stand up, we'll stand down" thing. they ain't standing and they don't seem to want what bush is trying to force down their throats; democracy.

2 years max. No public announcment, no "time lines" just a quiet phone call from us to them "you got 2 years pal"


how enthusiastic are our swell palls in the iraqi government to get it done ? uuhhh. well the real enthusiasm seems to be for still sneaking in that 2 or 3 month vacation this summer. so they can take their freshly printed visas and go someplace that doesn't suck, and party.

That is odd. The only positive I can see in that is that they are trying to look like they are in control....

again a quiet "2 years" should change thier minds.


if that doesn't tell you what's going on, nothin will.

That is a small window to look at the big picture IMO.


screw 'em (wasn't legends of the fall a great flick Laughing ). pack up, toss 'em the keys, give a hearty "good luck" and remind them that if we ever have to come back because of their bullsh*t, it won't be to win hearts and minds, but to scatter them via a whole shitload of 500 pounders.

500 pounders? Bah.. hit em with the GBU-35's Make you dead better.


it's just not real smart to keep playin' when the deck goes cold, ya know ?

It aint cold yet.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 02:09 pm
Comparing life in Iraq under Saddam with that experienced today

(March 17, 2006) (things haven't improved)

(click on the chart for comparisons under saddam hussien and 2006 on various issues such as political freedom, safety, basic services...)

It seems to me they traded one hell for another hell.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 02:22 pm
I'm not sure anyone can call it an improvement, but at least during Saddam's time, nobody had to worry about continuous bombings and hundreds dying almost daily. What's even worse today is simply that they have less electricity, clean water, and gasoline today compared to Saddam's time.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 12:28 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
I'm not sure anyone can call it an improvement, but at least during Saddam's time, nobody had to worry about continuous bombings and hundreds dying almost daily. What's even worse today is simply that they have less electricity, clean water, and gasoline today compared to Saddam's time.

no wonder their so grateful. those candies and flowers should be showing up any time now.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:17 am
Senate approves Iraq funding bill

UPDATE: Roll call is HERE. Voting no:

Boxer (D-CA)
Burr (R-NC)
Clinton (D-NY)
Coburn (R-OK)
Dodd (D-CT)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feingold (D-WI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Obama (D-IL)
Sanders (I-VT)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

House passes Iraq funding bill without timetable

UPDATE: This bill also includes a $2.10 increase in the minimum wage, the first raise in over a decade.

UPDATE II: Roll call on the Iraq vote is HERE. Eighty-six Democrats joined 194 Republicans and voted for the bill. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was the only member of House leadership of either party to vote against the war funding.

(links for roll call at the site)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:42 am
One of the things I hate about our government... "The Iraq troop funding bill has passed and now minimum wage will go up $2.10 over the next 2 years."

Wait, what?

WTF does minimum wage have to do with the Iraq war?

Now, do bear in mind that this isn't about minimum wage and if you discuss it in this thread beyond this post, you are a moron. This is about the ridiculous crap that gets tacked on to spending bills because our government pretty much sucks.

There has to be reform in this BS! Stop tacking on the crap to bills!
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reverend hellh0und
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 07:16 am
revel wrote:
Comparing life in Iraq under Saddam with that experienced today

(March 17, 2006) (things haven't improved)

(click on the chart for comparisons under saddam hussien and 2006 on various issues such as political freedom, safety, basic services...)

It seems to me they traded one hell for another hell.

This one was most interesting

"• Prospects for the future

Iraq was stagnant. Saddam was entrenched in power and unlikely to have been overthrown from within. The future for most Iraqis would likely have been similar to the past with little hope for improvement.
Most Iraqis expect to face at least several more years of sectarian violence and instability.

The general plan endorsed by a popular referendum is to create a "federal" state with a central government in Baghdad that shares power with Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite regions.

Iraqis fear there many be years of fighting before it is decided how power will be divided.


One has nothing to do with the other.

Anyway that was not the question.

Really? What was Iraq like before Hussein? Links?
0 Replies
reverend hellh0und
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 07:18 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
I'm not sure anyone can call it an improvement, but at least during Saddam's time, nobody had to worry about continuous bombings and hundreds dying almost daily. What's even worse today is simply that they have less electricity, clean water, and gasoline today compared to Saddam's time.

Samuel Adams (American revolutionary):

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 10:06 am
revhell prefers to live in hell on earth over sweet nothings mouthed over a few hundred years ago. I personally prefer to live in an environment where my life isn't at risk 24/7.
0 Replies
reverend hellh0und
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 10:08 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
revhell prefers to live in hell on earth over sweet nothings mouthed over a few hundred years ago. I personally prefer to live in an environment where my life isn't at risk 24/7.

The sheep often do.

Remember to thank a Vet Monday that you can. :wink:
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 10:14 am
I thank the vets for serving in the military of our country; but not for the ill-conceived and illegal war in Iraq. They're being treated like shite by this president, but you morons don't know it. He cut funding for veteran's benefits and services by over 15 percent beginning next year at a time when more veterans will be coming home with physical and mental injuries. People like you are part of the problem for supporting a dangerous moron like Bush. I am happy to see the most recent polls on Bush at new lows; it goes to show more Americans are realizing Bush is incompetent and a loser.
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reverend hellh0und
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 10:25 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
I thank the vets for serving in the military of our country; but not for the ill-conceived and illegal war in Iraq. They're being treated like shite by this president, but you morons don't know it. He cut funding for veteran's benefits and services by over 15 percent beginning next year at a time when more veterans will be coming home with physical and mental injuries. People like you are part of the problem for supporting a dangerous moron like Bush. I am happy to see the most recent polls on Bush at new lows; it goes to show more Americans are realizing Bush is incompetent and a loser.

"You morons".... Laughing that's kinda harsh... How do you know I am a said "moron"?

Personally I think the VA should be privitized or disbanded and vets like me (though I am priority group three I don't use it) guaranteed free premium health insurance for self, spouse, and dependents for life. I think thats the least we can do, don't you? Republican or Democrat they both fvck us vets. Ever been to a VA hospital? Some are worse than a free clinic.

What specifically is being cut. I am curious to see if you know.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 10:35 am
revehell, I'm a vet, but not as a wartime serviceman. That means my interest for the veterans that are now getting benefits and services are the one's who will suffer; not me.

All you need to do is go to a Search engine on the net to find the Bush budget for veterans. It's really easy to find. After you find them, come back and report to us what you find. If this doesn't wake you up from your stupor, nothing will. BTW, also look for the co-pays for your benefits and drugs that's included in the "budget."
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reverend hellh0und
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 12:26 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
revehell, I'm a vet, but not as a wartime serviceman. That means my interest for the veterans that are now getting benefits and services are the one's who will suffer; not me.

I am and a "priority 3" enrollment level Vet. I don't use it because I get better healthcare outside the system and because I have done well for myself I have a similar position as you.

I also think that if you signed on the line and were "one of the willing" you should get the same healthcare as anyone else who served. Simply because you might have been assigned (or chose) to be a "REMF" or you were in a combat billet during peacetime you still signed on the line and deserve the benefit as much as someone like myself..


All you need to do is go to a Search engine on the net to find the Bush budget for veterans. It's really easy to find. After you find them, come back and report to us what you find. If this doesn't wake you up from your stupor, nothing will. BTW, also look for the co-pays for your benefits and drugs that's included in the "budget."

My stupor? I have several buds that have GW related illnesses and know 1st hand how bad it is and the constant path of it getting worse. I know how bad the VA and the benefits are. The VA is crap and cutting crap from crap does not make you worse or better. Bush is not the first one to wrongly cut the benefits (though I believe the cuts mostly were rationalized as Korean vets dieing off). Clinton cut even more and forced people out..

You could TRIPLE the VA budget and it still would be as efficient as the DMV. That is why I propose the solution I have above.

What needs to happen is that this needs to not be a political bitchfest and needs to be addressed on all sides for the benefits of the vets, not the benefit of party.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 12:34 pm
revhell: What specifically is being cut. I am curious to see if you know.

You can learn very quickly by doing a Search. As for Clinton cutting benefits, he didn't start a war lasting over four years to drain the veteran's benefits and services. Nice try, but moron Bush is the one who continues his rhetoric on "support our troops" while cutting their benefits after asking them to sacrifice them on the battlefield. Big difference.
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