Quote:At what price would it be permissible to comment on Edward's excessive spending of other people's money on a haircut?
Well, first, it wasn't other people's money. It was money that they had given to him, to campaign with, and I don't think that many of them put restrictions on what he could or couldn't spend the money on. So stop saying this, please. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with how he spent the money, but it's simply false to say that it wasn't his to spend as he sees fit.
It isn't a question of what is permissible and what isn't permissible; whether something is funny or not doesn't make it permissible to talk about or not. I have never claimed that anyone should have been condemned for speaking the line, or not allowed to say it. Just that it isn't funny.
You haven't addressed the fact that the Right-wing has been feminizing him in order to ridicule him for some time. This adds a certain personal and special element to the joke, as I'm sure you understand, but just don't want to admit.
You can make fun of Edwards' hair at whatever time you wish, for whatever reasons you wish. Good ol' America and all. You don't even need my permission, though it's kind of you to ask whether I would find it permissible or not.
It's the implication that made the joke. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been funny to
anyone. Relevant, sure. But not funny, certainly not belly-laugh inducing as the audience showed. But I don't expect you to admit this.