Quote:I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but your baby will actually decide on the formula preferred.
and they will decide what diapers they want - ya know, skin rashes and all
and what clothes they want - irritating tightness, itchy fabrics
and what laundry soap to use - skin rashes
what foods they will eat - diarrhea, constipation, spitting it back out
what toys they like - kinda self explanitory that one is
and when they want to sleep - i wish you luck there
and what size of diaper bag you need - do you have a baby that poops alot? Pees OUTSIDE the diaper no matter what you do? you will need more clothes + daipers
what kind of nipples to use - Frankly, just pick anyone. And stick with it. THe very first one will be the one that is familiar. A hungry baby will NEVER always say no to a nipple. No way . No how.