How quickly will you need to return to work, Bella Dea?
Bella, I fed my son with Similac and he never had any problems with it. He was almost never sick until he started school and even then, it was only minor colds and such. All kids start getting sick when they start school, I think ;-)
I remember him have only one ear infection his entire life, which is more than I can say for myself.
Happy trails to you, hubby and baby :-D
sounds like you've got it all worked out bella. Good for you.
I'll let you drive from now on.
Dont you just hate back seat drivers.
My daughter is 19. She recently witnessed an episode with a young mum and child at a supermarket and has informed me she is NEVER!! having children.
I just gave her a big long scrummy dad hug.
I said the same thing your daughter said at 19, Dadpad and now my son is 19
If only ALL 19 year olds felt that way....
My children were fed a mixture of cocaine and goats blood harvested fresh under the full moon in a pentagram....we're liberals ya know... for the boy children we added just a bit of bull semen to raise their America hating testosterone levels....seems to have worked out well....
Wasn't that expensive Bear?
I mean, I considered coke but the price is just outrageous.
The goats blood, I can get from some family up north....
Bella Dea wrote:Wasn't that expensive Bear?
I mean, I considered coke but the price is just outrageous.
The goats blood, I can get from some family up north....
it's a large initial investment but as the older children get to school, they can cut out enough cocaine for their younger siblings from the vials they sell on the's american ingenuity and entrepeneurialism at it's best...
sozobe wrote:I'm really not trying to make anyone feel guilty. "No real reason" seemed a bit light to me for this kind of a decision -- but if the information about the benefits is there and integrated into the decision, that's certainly Bella's perogative.
I thought about saying nothing but a lot of this information is new -- the AAP changed its guidelines in 2005, for example, based on recent research showing that breastmilk wasn't just better it was WAY better. I mean, there are lawmakers who are now considering putting warning labels on formula to discourage its use, the difference is so stark. I think that's a bit much, but it's based on recent research.
None of that translates to "all babies who are formula-fed have problems," of course.
Glad that Bella is getting the formula info she wanted.
And I didn't mean to come down too harsh on the other side either - I understand that you were simply trying to be helpful and make sure she had the information to make an education decision.
I have simply seen too much of the "guilt" thing that can cause great heartaches in parents in almost anything they do. One woman I know went to such extremes to try to breastfeed because of the guilt that her child almost starved because the baby wouldn't latch on - she eventually devised some devise (with the help of nurses) where she could breastfeed - this woman was so bent on having the "best" for her child she refused to bottlefeed.
The important thing is to make an informed decision that is right for the family and makes everyone happy. A happy mom and dad is much better for better than the additional benefits of breastmilk.
FreeDuck wrote: I hate to say it but I think my daughter got the better deal. Of course, there's no real way to know that breastfeeding had anything to do with the differences between them.
Both my children were weaned around the same time and they are night and day - it is highly unlikely the differences are due to breastfeeding - more likely it is simply they are different people.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:My children were fed a mixture of cocaine and goats blood harvested fresh under the full moon in a pentagram....we're liberals ya know... for the boy children we added just a bit of bull semen to raise their America hating testosterone levels....seems to have worked out well....
We liberals would have made sure that all that **** was organic
I agree Bella - I never sterilized the water. I used tap water after filtering (which I use any way for our everyday water). Also, if I was out and about - I would bring a bottle of spring water with me and a small container with already pre-measured formula - or you could put the pre-measured powdered formula in a bottle. When the baby needed to be fed, I would add the water to the bottle and shake. If the water was not cool, I could simply feed the baby right then - if it was a bit cool, I would run the bottle under a hot tap. (just a few tips).
Never heard of warming the bottle if the contents were already warm and who the heck would have a cold bottle any way? You would only have a cold bottle if you had the formula in the bottle in the fridge and then you would need to warm up anyway so the formula wouldn't be cold - that's easy too - run in the hot tab or drop the bottle in a bowl/pan of hot water and let sit a couple of minutes.
Linkat wrote:FreeDuck wrote: I hate to say it but I think my daughter got the better deal. Of course, there's no real way to know that breastfeeding had anything to do with the differences between them.
Both my children were weaned around the same time and they are night and day - it is highly unlikely the differences are due to breastfeeding - more likely it is simply they are different people.
You are probably right. That's my motherly guilt talking. You know... if only I knew with the first one what I knew for the second one.
shewolfnm wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:My children were fed a mixture of cocaine and goats blood harvested fresh under the full moon in a pentagram....we're liberals ya know... for the boy children we added just a bit of bull semen to raise their America hating testosterone levels....seems to have worked out well....
We liberals would have made sure that all that **** was organic
not me... I say give the little ones a chance to exercise their immune systems... now how's the poser?
Ummm, shewolf just might be from California which would explain everything, bear.
Bella, after reading the entire thread and actually agreeing with just about everyone, the statistics doen't lie, all I can add is to simply love your baby. That is the most nourishing thing you could ever give him or her. A baby looking into your eyes, smiling around the bottle, feeling your warmth, knowing your scent and knowing that you are there always, ready to love and to nurture is so important, he or she will know the wonderful experience of being secure and loved. Same thing goes for your husband. Security and love, to me, are far more important than whether you breast feed or use formula.
And, of course, the cocaine and goat's blood under a full moon but then, everyone knows that.
Yeah, what Diane said :-D
I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but your baby will actually decide on the formula preferred. You can do all this research and then find that one has too much iron for their system, one gives the runs, one upsets the tummy, etc.
I actually breastfed at the beginning of each, but with premies in the hospital for several weeks prior to coming home that didn't work out so well.
Went through several different formulas before finding the right one for each, so be prepared for that and don't buy by the case until you know.