Nothing? Nothing will come of nothing - speak again!
A rusty nail would go down a treat....... thank you kindly, good sir....
And how has your day been?
The sun went out here - 'twas enough to make a girl thump her hind feet in alarm!
I arrive at work before the sun rises (if, in fact, that is any longer allowed in Ohio), and return after it's setting . . . lemme chug-a-lug a couple a quarts of coffee an' i'll let ya know how my day is going . . .
hmmm - I see your day has but begun, while mine is at the rusty nail end - I spoke, of course, of our eclipse...... (handing large flask of coffee to large dog)
Ah, so ol' Selene is moonin' ya, celestially speakin', hmmm?
Indeed - but how full her moon I know not.....
I wondered where that eclipse was supposed to be. Was it near complete? Did it get the skies become dark and a little odd? I've only been in the midst of one such, had to drive hundreds of miles, but it was worth those moments. Like a movie, many people around me in a field in E. WA. And then it grew dark and very quiet. The birds quit the racket we hadn't even realized they were making. Just for a few moments, like time was suspended.
Sigh. FYI It was a new moon on Wednesday at 2:34am EST, and the eclipse occurred at 2:38, four minutes later. Does that help?
Piffka - the completeness naturally depended on where you were!
Here, in Adelaide, 'twas 90% - farther north, in a diagonal swathe, 'twas 100%.....
Lear and eclipses...a rare day.
How about a cup of coffee before I go to bed?
One more cup of coffee for the road, Lola?
Luckily, the leary skies cleared for the eclipse - no tempest tossed the occluded sun and all the tourists were happy and gruntled as anything........
Bad day at Black Rock - a double rusty nail for me...
I don't even understand which language this thread used!
Was that Black Day at Bad Rock?? What exactly IS a Rusty Nail!
And did it seem dark to you??? Glad the tourists were gruntled! Oz putting out the red carpet as per usual, a happy day.
The language is - more or less - English, OristarA!
A rusty nail is two measures scotch and one measure drambuie - two rusty nails are potentially serious trouble, but, since the evening degenerated badly from the bad day, I shall have another two, please ........ with a double green chartreuse chaser........I drink to forget.....
I guess I better have me morning coffee, too, thankee kindly Declan, it being morning and all - make it an Irish, if you would - you're a darlin'.....
I would like a peanut butter and banana sandwich and some strawberries.........with sparkling water. I'll such sit back in the corner and take a little nap. It's nice and quiet here, unlike my home right now.........too many teenagers!
Bad Day At Black Rock was a movie with Spencer Tracey, of course I am not up on new fangled drinks. Could it be the day after drinking several Long Island Ice Teas.
hmmmmmm - damned fine idea - and a long island ished tea to finish pleash Declish....
Ditto the bunny with the fag.
Ish you dwownin' your showwowsh too, JD?
Damned lil shmeggersh jusht keep shwimmin'.....dwown you lil bashtardsh!
Well, I've been drinking champagne... which I highly recommend for the day. Fact is, I bought two bottles for myself just an hour or so ago. They're cooling now.
champagne makesh me earsh dwoop.......