Today we went for a drive to the mountains.
I have lots and lots of photos.
There is the mountain. It is called mt Buller and is the second highest in Victoria. Australias montains arnt very high really compared to Austria or Even the rockies. Mt Buller is a ski resort in winter.
I think blinky likes me, he put his arm around me. He "said" it was to stop me falling. (giggle)
This is a nice photo The name of that road is buttercup road. Isn't that sweet.
There are lots and lots of trees
Here we are at the foot of the mountain
We stopped to go for a paddle in the river. Isnt the water clear.
I think this is a lovely photo
Here I am with my Aussie friends near a pool
There are many different shaped leaves for trees here.
This is where a big bushfire burned last year.
It is very steep
Dadpad showed me a waterfall. It was cool
Lots and lots of very tall straight trees.
Yea! we made it
We went to the post ofice and talked to Bec. she gave me 2 fridge magnets
I met an Aussie hamster!
dadpad said thats not a hamster.
Some of the houses here look like Germany or Austria.
We wwanted to walk to the summit. It doesnt look like it in the photo but it was very steep. I wonder if my little legs will make it all the way.