The problem was a Florida/SCOTUS mockery
steve wrote:BillW Disraelian, thats an interesting one. Which particular characteristic of Disraeli matches Blair?
Two (one in a backwards kinda way):
1) Imperialistic
2) Disraeli was a Conservatist pushing Labor ideals, Blair is a Laborist pushing Conservatist ideals.
Well for Tony it was 17 standing ovations then the trough of despond.
A British commentator on NPR just now remarked that Tony Blair would be lucky to get ANY ovations ANYWHERE in Britain at the moment.
I, for one, appreciated him finally apologizing for burning down our national library. :wink:
Better 250 years late, than never.
"Sorry," he said.
He had some good jokes.
I thought his kid's comment was bittersweet. He told Blair not to worry. The PM that lost the states would always be remembered as a worse PM than Tony.
Hi Sofia
Yes Blair did make some humorous points. I personally don't think he should have apologised for burning your library, it gave you the opportunity to buy some new books.
TB is really in the deep brown stuff at the moment. Former govt minister (and actress) Glenda Jackson says he should resign because Dr David Kelly killed himself,
I think Blair lied about the reasons for taking us into war. But I also think history will prove him to have done the right thing.
The war was illegal and unnecessary at that time, but it was probably for the long term good.
I just hope people remember the "illegal and unnecessary" part, in November 2004.
What do Americans and Brits think of Blair's speech?
There seems to be a dichotomy as wide as the Atlantic Ocean, as evidenced by these two respected pillars of journalism:
How can TB be blamed for a guy committing suicide? I think that is seriously unfair to him.
Should everyone, who causes stress (directly or indirectly) be blamed for someone's choice to kill him/herself?
What do you think about it, Steve?
If that's all there is to it, Blair shouldn't be blamed, sofia. But I think clinton had about the same amount of culpability in Foster's death. And that didn't stop a lot of people from dragging that non-starter around for years.
I never did know what to make of Foster. I knew a lot of people wanted to pin it on the Clintons--as if they'd been active participants. Hired it done, or something.
I guess he was just a very depressed guy, in the wrong business.
Good post pdiddie, those two tabloids really do sum it up.
Sofia, I don't think Blair can be blamed personally for Kelly's death. People kill themselves all the time....I know that sounds callous but its a fact.
Kelly was put under some pressure at the Parliamentary Select Committee, but he was not a child. Y ou don't get to be the "weapons inspector's inspector" unless you can handle some tough situations. He turned down an opportunity of having a colleague or friend sitting by him.
To be honest I have no idea why Kelly slit his writs. But it must have been more than just his appearance befor the Commoms Select Committee.
Was he murdered? no. Was Blair responsible for his death? no. Sadly it was his own doing.
...on the other hand, as I've said before, you can't rule anything out when it comes to the nefarious activities of our secret military intelligence.
It is strange that these leaders of democracies are talking about "history will forgive us." What about the thousands dead - many of them innocent children, women, and men? What ever happened to the value of one life? Where is the consistency between Pvt Lynch and the thousands of innocent Iraqis? Are they without human morals? c.i.
Blair needed a boost, too bad he didn't give the speech to an American audience that was fair and independent - no one of the Bushites hand picked groups!
Hi...We all know that A2K players have a pretty liberal attitude. I wish we had more folks beholden to the conservative cause here.
I saw Blair's speech in our Congress and his short press conference with Bush later.
He may be (according to one tabloid) Bush's "poodle." Or he may be, as someone has suggested, a clever actor. But I found myself liking the guy. He's articulate and he seems to know what he believes and believes what he knows.
I certainly don't agree with Blair's actions, and his political future may be in jeopardy, but at least he can walk and chew gum at the same time.
GWBush's problem is trying to stand still and talk at the same time. c.i.
There was a photo in the NYTimes of Bush and Blair walking into a press conference almost hand in hand, with Blair grinning wildly and Bush's face tight and "presidential." The thing that struck me is how much they BOTH look like Alfred E. Newman. They are BOTH MAD!!
Now that's totally unfair realjohnboy - you're comparing him to Bush, and my 12 year old daughter meets higher expectations than Bush.
I don't think anyone faults Blair's ability, just his position is so weak and getting weaker by the day.