Really interesting poll results so far everyone except Sophia (sorry Sophy but it was kind of obvious) has voted self delusional, except me that is who doesn't know.
I went the nausiating route. I think he and Bush are war criminals.
If "desperate" were among the choices, I'd have chosen that.
fascinating stuff, i had never seen a 2 man circle jerk before.
blair looked good compared to bush, who i expected to fall to the ground and faint to avoid questions a la john cleese in fawlty towers.
come on, bush? jesus, the man looked like an idiot. couldn't even answer a question.
this is the maximum leader of the free world?
what else was blair gong to say anyway?
I wasn't able to listen to Tony Blair's speech to Congress, but I can be assured of one thing; he doesn't vacillate like our president on matters of great importance. c.i.
How many British soldiers have been brought back in body bags?
Will someone refresh my memory -- Ginko Biloba doesn't seem to help clear up what this sharing of the brunt of the invasion of Iraq really means. Please Blair it out loudly.
Dyslexia - Possibly, this is the definition you were looking for:
"Dog and Pony Show" is ad agency jargon for elaborate client presentations. It's a cliché of the traditional agency world.
All fluff and no substance (in fact)? :-)[/color]
Newstatesman magazine questions Blair's sanity
Quotes from Matthew Parris in the Times
"The belief that irreconcilables can be reconciled by ones's personal contacts and powers of persuasion is a familiar delusion among people who are not quite right in the head"
Neuropsychologist Dr Paul Broks
"Suppose it turns out that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Suppose the PM was indeed party to the ramping - up of what flimsy evidence there might have order to keep us on a pre set course for war...Set this against his affiliative personal style and the profile that begins to emerge is that of the plausible psychopath- charming, intelligent, emotionally manipulative, ruthlessly ambitious and self-serving".
Consultant psychotherapist Dr Sidney Crown
"One of the biggest things about him is that he doesn't exist. I know this sounds an odd thing to say but I mean it seriously. Right from the beginning, he's always trying to establish some sort of existence which would make sense to him. I get this with actors who come to see me. They'll say,' I don't know who I am until I'm on stage'. He loves being photgraphed because he knows he's good-looking whatever the cartoonists say about his ears. And yet he's a scardy-pants. The vanity and fear are all part of a devious personality and he's extraordinarily clever about it. Right from the beginning, with anything difficult or unpleasant, he's deputised someone else to handle it- like Alastair Cambell...Campbell is very much represented in Blair's dark side, which is why they like each other. Its amazing how he has got away with it until now, but then the psychpathic personality is very quick to pick things up and shift and move about."
BillW Disraelian, thats an interesting one. Which particular characteristic of Disraeli matches Blair?
British dead: The Independent posted pictures of 42 soldiers who died in combat/accidents/friendly fire/policing.
Eloquenly evasive. Another good description. He is certainly eloquent but then he's a barrister. And a salesman so he knows how to sell a line. And he WORKS AT IT. He sweats blood over his speeches, every word every nuance is carefully constructed. And a 100 gigabyte memory. Ask him details on reform of the National Health Service and he will speak for 45 minute on that.
Just listened to Bush's answer at the press conference on why no WMD have been found. Sounded like someone totally out of his depth.
He's a damn good speaker, Steve -- particularly compared to his American counterpart. It's hard not to like the guy when he speaks. But I continue to wonder what's pulling his strings. His demeanor and his speech are at such a distance from the positions he's taking that I keep thinking WHO IS THIS GUY??!!
I was briefly watching film this morning of the president's joint press conference with Blair. Man, that f*cking Bush sure looked frantic, as he mined his inadequate vocabulary for words to try to keep the spin going.
I'm ashamed of my f*cking president - wotta revoltin' development.
He really looks bad standing next to Blair, too, Boss. Blair at least has a little polish.
I really fell off my chair laughing when he described the two britons as "bad guys" !!
Guyz seriously, what were you thinking when you voted for this clown ?
The quote on Drudge says it all:
"History will judge us" yes, and I think it will be kind.
Quote:Guyz seriously, what were you thinking when you voted for this clown
Anyone but Gore!!!
maxsdadeo wrote:The quote on Drudge says it all:
"History will judge us" yes, and I think it will be kind.
Quote:Guyz seriously, what were you thinking when you voted for this clown
Anyone but Gore!!!
What was it about gore that made him anathema?
Quote:Guyz seriously, what were you thinking when you voted for this clown ?
Not me, the dumbing down of American happen to others! I put all my 25 votes on a safe, prosperous future.
oops, Billy, at first look at thought, you had put all your votes in a safe :wink: