Didn't bush Look In This Guys Eyes And See His Good Soul?

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 02:39 pm
sort of how you just ignored my question? Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 03:55 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Thomas wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Which is the comedy part? I did a search on "Putin" and found no recent threads about him or the apparent return of totalitarianism to Russia.

I'm sure this will change as soon as a substantial fraction of A2K members is governed by Putin.

That's the standard, then? It's not the size of their countries, nor the magnitude of their sins? We only disscuss our own governments here? The Germans, British, and Australian members of A2K criticize George Bush because they known that the board has many Americans, not because of the importance of the events to the world?

I don't think so. It looks like a double standard, plain and simple to me.

Of course it does. You're a bush apologist. there's nothing he could do to dislodge your head from his hindquarters.

I know it's easier for you to argue on this basis, but it isn't the truth. I support him because he does the things which I myself advocate, and seems to have a similar philosophical outlook to mine. This is why anyone supports any politician. I will openly state my disagreement with him in areas in which I disagree with him such as immigration and tort reform, and, if he began to deviate significantly from my philosophy, I would certainly say so. This doesn't constitute being an apologist.

so are you a wealthy entitled spoiled mama's boy who never earned anything in their life on their own merits too?

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
sort of how you just ignored my question? Laughing

Unlike you, who always avoids responding to another posters position or questions with anything but distractions, and simpy lacks the guts or the discipline to engage in a fair debate, I will answer your question seriously.

No, I'm not rich, although I've by now reached a stage in my life where I'm not constantly hurting for funds. My parents were at most comfortable, and it would be a stretch to say even that. They lived in a rather affluent community, but on the poorer side of town. When my mother died, we discovered that her life savings had been almost completely used up by the ordinary cost of living. Mama's boy? Who knows. I loved my mother and spoke to here often, but we fought a lot too. I stopped showing her much cooperation at a very early age. Never earned anything on my own merit? My parents had no connections to help me with. They did, with great difficulty and with the financing of a credit company manage to put me through college, if that's some kind of mark of shame or something. I put myself through the final years of graduate school with a teaching assistantship.

I don't believe that the president fits that description either. You can repeat the liberal tautology that the president bought the election, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah, but it's nonsense and you can't prove anything of the kind.

At any rate, your comment was not a relevant response to my statement that I support President Bush only to the extent that he does what I want him to do, the same way anyone supports a politician.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 05:32 am
well thank you for that heart warming little autobiography....you'll excuse me if being told I have no guts by some arm chair war lover who never served himself doesn't quite carry the weight you were going for.... :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 07:51 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
well thank you for that heart warming little autobiography....you'll excuse me if being told I have no guts by some arm chair war lover who never served himself doesn't quite carry the weight you were going for.... :wink:

You're so consistent. You, who never argue the actual topic, first criticize me for not responding to your comment. So, I do respond specifically to what you said. And naturally, instead of responding to anything I've said, or supporting your point of view on any subject raised either by me or by you, as always, you simply substitute a personal attack as though it were an argument.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:11 am
maybe if you didn't behave from the get go in all conversations like a snotty, holier than thou jerk you wouldn't get that response. Even you have probably noticed I'm not the only one here who is stupid, stupid meaning we don't agree with you and find you barely tolerable.

I've got a news flash buddy, you have no more value than anyone else here, and maybe 25% of the respect of most. That and your obvious belief that you're a superior being is apparently enough for you.

the entire point of this thread is that bush claimed to look into the soul of a guy and find some near angelic being and as usual his judgement is f**ked up. You can't deny it although you will. This is not the PS 125 debate team meet pal, this is real life. Take off the debate team blazer, extricate your head from whatever dark place it resides and face the fact of the matter. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 04:18 am
If the statement by the President was made seriously, it's very naive. If it was made in an effort to be diplomatic, it's very standard.

I repeat my complaint that Putin himself can do very, very bad things that no politician in America would contemplate in his wildest dreams, without a peep of criticism from the A2K posters, which is a double standard.

Furthermore, I am not an apologist for President Bush. That's just your technique for reducing arguments you don't wish to take on to an easy but false argument. Like everyone else, I support people who do what I would do in their position, only as long as they continue to do so.
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