Re: Fred Thompson on concealed carry and VT disaster
Urban areas almost always have higher crime rates than suburban and rural areas. In 2005, Richmond, VA, was 38 on the list of most violent American cities. Norfolk was 115. Newport News was 113. Portsmouth was 82. Roanoke was 73. In contrast, New York, NY was 139, San Francisco was 108, Los Angeles was 101 (
source (.pdf)). So for citizens in urbanized areas in Virginia, it is simply untrue to say that they are more safe than citizens in other cities with strict gun control laws.
Fred Thompson wrote:The statistics are clear. Communities that recognize and grant Second Amendment rights to responsible adults have a significantly lower incidence of violent crime than those that do not.
That is categorically false. Furthermore, even if there were a correlation between concealed carry laws and lower incidences of violent crime, correlation does not equal causation.
Fred Thompson wrote:More to the point, incarcerated criminals tell criminologists that they consider local gun laws when they decide what sort of crime they will commit, and where they will do so.
I find that difficult to believe.
Really? Name three.
Fred Thompson wrote:Normal people tackled "shoe bomber" Richard Reid as he was trying to blow up an airliner. It was a truck driver who found the D.C. snipers.
And they did it without using any firearms.