Mo, my six year old son, has an attachment disorder. One of the hallmarks of this disorder is increased levels of cortisol - a hormone involved in the body's stress response.
He also has asthma which is occassionally treated with steroids - corticosteroids.
On the occassions that he is treated with steroids he is completely batshit crazy: raging, crying, overwhelmed, incredibly emotional.
The package insert for his latest prescription mentions (any spelling errors mine) :
Quote:Adverse Event Reports From Other Sources
......<blahblahblah>.....psychiatric symptoms including depression, aggressive reactions, irritablility, anxiety and psychosis......
Here are my questions:
1. Are cortisol and cortiosteroids the same? If you have naturally eleveated levels of cortisol and you take cortiosteroids are you creating a monster?
2. What might be the "other sources" reporting adverse events and where do I find them?
3. What alternatives are out there for people who can't take cortiosteroids without becoming psychotic?
I have tried to research this myself. Really I have. I've waded through a lot of information without getting anywhere. I am hoping that you might know or know where to look for such information.
Any help appreciated.