And now a musical interlude
Looking back on when I
Was a little nappy headed boy
Then my only worry
Was for Christmas what would be my toy
Even though we sometimes
Would not get a thing
We were happy with the
Joy the day would bring
Sneaking out the back door
To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door
With "Boy thought I told you not to go outside",
Tryin your best to bring the
Water to your eyes
Thinkin' it might stop her
From whoopin' your behind
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
'Cause I love them so
Brother says he's tellin
'bout you playin' doctor with that girl
Just don't tell I'll give you
Anything you want in this whole wide world
Mama gives you money for Sunday school
You trade yours for candy after church is through
Smokin' cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall (you nasty boy)
Teacher sends you to the principal's office down the wall
You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right
But while you were doin it-it sure felt outta sight
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
That song's been running through my head lately (probably more due to the first and second lines than anything else).
I've been wondering why no one's grabbed Howard Stern yet for his opinion.
I've been wondering why these young ladies don't just tell Imus, etc. to go scratch, that those people's opinions don't mean anything to them?
I've been troubled by the rush to victimhood, and the quashing of free (yet of course objectionable) speech.
I've been troubled by advertisers essentially dictating what ends up on the airwaves.
I've been troubled by how quickly this all escalated, 2 weeks suspension to one firing, to a second.
I've been troubled by the free (albeit negative) publicity that's been tossed around for people (Imus, Sharpton, etc.) who I generally don't think about at all. How'd they end up the lead story, ahead of the Iraqi parliament building being bombed, or the NJ Governor getting into an accident and a million other things?
I've been troubled by the belief that the word "ho" is somehow an acceptable alternative to, I dunno, "Miss"? "Bitch"? "You female who I won't bother to know the name of so I'll insult you sexually"?
I've been thinking about synonyms. What does
nappy-headed mean, anyway? It means curly-haired, which, so far as I'm aware, is no insult. But
ho just means prostitute. It has no neutral synonym. I think that's the big insult here.
I've been watching this story coopted by lots of different folks with all sorts of different agendas, both here and in the news and sports and elsewhere. It gets bigger and bigger and takes on a life of its own, like an errant balloon at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Huge and menacing-looking, but ultimately with little substance and easy destroyed with almost no effort.
PS That horrible gangsta rapper I quoted above was Stevie Wonder. Circa '76.