OMG you guys
I cannot believe what I am reading. I am just amazed. Why?
Oh btw you all talk too much because I have to read up on what's is going on. I hate to miss anything because you know how much you guys mean to me so I want to see if there is something going on in your lives or if someone unexpected shows up and I missed them and wanted to say HI
Sorry fluoz, focus I know
Why am I amazed. I was reading and you say Monty Python. My spouse loves that movie. I don't get it. Period. I see nothing in it at all except that bird fluoz. Really, when the scene came on I laughed so hard trying to picture this little bird pick up this coconot or whatever that totally outweighs it and I for some damn reason found that funny. The rest of the movie I just don't get it. Everyone who likes it laughs at me and no one will explain it.
They just look at me like this

and say if you don't get you never will.
So, I say okay I probably won't which is fine by me.
As I keep reading what you are talking about I though I wonder if they are even going to bring up Monty Python. I never understood that movie either. Then when I read you guys start talking about it I went oh no I do not believe it. They did.
It was so popular when I was in high school so I saw it and just sat there
thinking what is it people even see in this movie. I just don't get it.
I still don't. How do I know? Because every year it seems I will come home and I hear one of those 2 movies on tv because they are my spouse's favorite and I just shake my head. I ask him how many times can you watch those movies? I then suggest why don't you just buy them if you enjoy them so much? He won't tell me. He will not buy them. I have no idea why. I think it is great he finds enjoyment in something but then just buy the damn thing and watch it whenever you want. Nope.
I would buy it for him as a gift but the last time I did something like that that gift is still on a table somewhere in our house and it isn't even open.
I don't wrap gifts. So, I mean the clear plastic coating is still on it and it has never been open. I just don't understand.
Oh, green witch I just remembered your picture of that Craven guy (no respect intended but has anyone ever told you your name is long?- I am talking Craven, not Green Witch)
That is the first picture I have seen of him. I was thinking about it the other day. I have never seen a picture of this person they claim exists.
Oh, btw GOOD MORNING. I forgot to say that.
Also, I missed you horse so shut up
I am still working on the brief. I don't know if that will ever happen. So,
if not oh well too bad. Is there a rule on that? Who says I have to be brief on anything?
Hi toot toot.
And fluoz I know you are going

< I am doing that back at you. :wink: