Flumoxed wrote:I'm UP, I'm UP!
Sure....but are you up for it?
I'm not sure, but at the time it seemed like the right question. I think.

Yeah ... give me something to drink and throw on some organic fertilizer. Works for all the guys. :wink:
I'm not about to give him mouth-to-mouth, sorry man.
unclelarry wrote:
I'm not about to give him mouth-to-mouth, sorry man.

Understand my friend ... Reminds me of the story about the two cowboys and one gets rattlesnake bit on his manhood when he was taking a leak on a cactus. It was modern days so his buddy uses his cell phone and calls 911. The doc on the other end tells him to keep his buddy calm. He turns to his friend and says "the doc says to stay calm". The doc continues with his friend ... make a small but deep incision at the point of the bite and suck on the incision for about a minute to remove as much poison as you can and don't swallow it, spit it out. At this point the snakebit cowboy was gettin' a bit impatient. "What does the doc say?" he asked his buddy. "Sorry ole friend ... doc says yer gonna die!" :wink:
I guess it's times like that when you find out who your real friends are! :wink:
unclelarry wrote:I guess it's times like that when you find out who your real friends are! :wink:
Wonder if Ben/Witty would do the right thing ...
A man comes home from the doctors and he is visibly upset. His wife asks what is wrong. The man says that the doctor had diagnosed him with a potentially fatal disease, and said that he would have to take a pill a day for the rest of his life. Well, that's not too bad, the wife said why are you so upset. The husband replied....doctor only gave me two pills!!!!!
unclelarry wrote:Yeah, Dr. Mort Tician.
I was thinking Latin ... Mort=Dead