Mon 9 Apr, 2007 05:39 pm
I clearly understood the justifications of the Second World War
against slavery under the Nazis and under the Japs.
I clearly understood the justifications of the Third World War
against slavery under the communists.
I strongly advocated both Gulf Wars against Saddam,
out of considerations of American security,
for purely defensive reasons ( I was quite concerned that he 'd slip
a nuke in on one of our port cities, like MINE ).
HOWEVER, almost 4 years have passed
since we overthrew Saddam 's dynasty and caught Saddam.
In the fullness of sincerity,
I fail to understand how continuation of the war in Iraq
benefits Americans ( tho I must admit, that each Moslem that we kill
over there will be one that cannot come here to inflict another 9/11 ).
It seems to me that we are just prosecuting this war
as a gigantic foreign aid project for Iraq.
according to Congress' authorization of the war.
Can anyone explain to me Y we r still there,
getting our soldiers killed n spending huge sums of cash,
when our mission was fully accomplished as soon as we caught Saddam ?
I just don 't see the point of how it helps AMERICA to remain there.
I believe that what W is doing in the Mid East,
and particularly in Iraq, is similar in principle
to what the faros of ancient Egypt did with
building their pyramids.
Jesus, David, you come closer to making sense here than ever before. I am flabbergasted.
Maybe you would like to clear up the contradiction in saying you oppose the Nazis while implying we should kill all Muslims. Are you fascist, or anti-fascist? I really can't tell. I'll bet it's a cose call.
It's not that most people are either fascists or anti-fascist, but rather that they are selective fascists.
One man's ethnocentric oppressor is another man's champion of democracy.
Why is the US at war, is it really a war against terrorism which has been around, in many guises, for hundreds of years?
In 19th and early part of the 20th century it was the Anarchists, then the IRA fighting for a united Ireland, then the World Wars and again the IRA, only this time with financial support from expatriate Irish Americans, next it was the Bader Meinhof Group, the PLO and other Middle Eastern groups, it has just gone on and on, even England's Guy Fawkes who attempted to blow up the Parliament, in the Middle Ages, was a terrorist by today's description; I am not certain, I haven't bothered to research it, but I would be most surprised if terrorism hasn't been occurring down through the ages.
It has taken George Bush with his axis of evil speech and his phony war on terror to elevate it to a point where it is encroaching on the democracy of the Western World. I am not denying there have been a few deadly terrorist attacks since the World Trade Center and I have no doubt there will be more but realistically thousands of Muslims, far more than Westerners, have been killed by terrorists in Iraq so we can't rally claim an Islamic Jihad against the West.
I'm certain Bush's war on terror is not going make America safe from attack, if anything it is going to make a terrorist attack on the US more likely: it is a very fine line between a terrorist and a patriot; it all depends on which side of the line you are standing, if America was invaded and occupied would the members of the US resistance group be Patriots or Terrorists?
In my opinion we are being controlled by terror, our leaders are engaged in the politics of fear. In the past, prior to the attack on the WTC, airplanes were often hijacked and in Rome Airport many people were gunned down by a terrorist group, a ship was hijacked and a Jewish American was murdered as was the Israeli athletics team at the '72 Olympics but governments didn't go to extremes to prevent such acts from happening; it was never really a problem in the world until George Bush declared a war on terror, now Governments are legislating, curbing civil liberties and usurping legal systems all in the name of Bush's war on terror, will the world be a safer place because of all this death and destruction, what benefit is the war to the US and the world, will this really get rid of the Terrorism; I think not?
It seems you swallowed the sinker
Quote:I must admit, that each Moslem that we kill
over there will be one that cannot come here to inflict another 9/11 ).
But not the hook
Quote:I fail to understand how continuation of the war in Iraq
benefits Americans
Not even close to recognizing the sinker. You only swallowed it deeper.
OK, in an effort get rid of the sinker:
we have never killed any Moslems.