CalamityJane wrote:The German system isn't perfect either, maybe in Walter's neck of the woods as it is a very small community where everyone is known and
Dr. Huber makes house calls and the Pharmacist will fill your prescription
even if it is a Sunday.
In larger cities it is quite different and you'll find many waiting rooms
hopelessly overcrowded and physicians who are very indifferent to their
patients needs, mainly due to their tremendous work load.
My mother's cardiologist - a capacity in his field - has no time to attend
to her in a manner he should, and he refers her back to her regular
GP for procedures that he's not really competent for. This resulted in
over-medicating her for a prolonged period of time, despite bi-monthly
I'm not all defending our system and actually do think that a lot more could be done - and better.
- there HAS to be a certain amount of "Dr.Hubers" who do house calls,
- per so-and-so many inhabitants there HAS to be a pharmacy opene 24/24 , 7//7 (for us 70,000 inhabitants three pharmacies).
If a GP (who's not an internist) makes cardiologic procedures, I would report it to the medical association and changed the doctor immediately.
We have - as a spa - perhaps some more specialists than any other similar village - but anyone can go there or use the consultation hours of the hospital doctors.