County official forced to resign for criticizing israel

Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 09:35 am
County official forced to resign for criticizing israel

This is outrageous . . . As a government official, you can say whatever vile thing your decrepit heart desires - if it's about Muslims. But, if you criticize the criminal 'state' of israel, you're forced out of office...

But remember, only anti-semites think Israel has any influence over the United States government!
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Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 01:39 pm
The article you have quoted, at an anti-Zionist web site, contradicts the headline you have put on this thread:

To avoid escalating the controversy, Catarineau said she was stepping down from her position on the planning commission and from her position on the county's Comprehensive Plan Steering Council.

Miss Mary Catarineau-Ware was not forced to resign, she resigned of her own volition. Do you care to explain how this provides evidence that the state of Israel has influence over the United States government? Perhaps you could start by explaining what the United States government has to do with the decision on the part of Miss Catarineau-Ware to resign from the planning commission.
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Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 01:57 pm
Here is the link to the original article (also found on my original link)

It was either resigning voluntarily or have her bloodsucked out (not literally) gradually. What would you choose ?
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Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 02:18 pm
What evidence do you have that she would have had her "bloodsucked out" (do you think that is actually a word ? ! ? ! ?), and what evidence do you have that this would have been done by the United States government, and what evidence do you have that this would have occurred due to the manipulation of the United States government by the state of Israel?

Do a web search on Miss Mary Catarineau-Ware (which is her full, correct name), and do a little learning. She is not an entirely popular person in Cherokee County, and one letter writer to the local newspaper points out that she is married to the owner of a large housing development company, and that her motives and behavior on the planning commission might be questioned. It is entirely possible, you know, that resignation was the better part of valor on her part.

Of course, none of that matters to you--you are intent on proving that the State of Israel controls the United States government, and you'll clutch at any straws in the effort. This was one of your feebler efforts.
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Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 02:19 pm
By the way, it is hilarious how you whine about charges of anti-semitism, and yet post a link such as that last one, which has no earthly relationship to the story you are attempting to peddle.
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Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 10:47 pm
Has anyone noticed that Israel is now dictating to congress wether or not we can sell weapon systems to saudi arabia. The saudis want to buy 10 billion dollars worth of weapons. Israel says no, unless we give Israel more weapons free.
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Avatar ADV
Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 09:47 am
Er... given US/Saudi relations lately, couldn't the US be entirely justified in not wanting to sell advanced weapon systems to the Saudis on those merits alone. (Or rather, duh?)
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Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 09:55 am
Avatar ADV wrote:
Er... given US/Saudi relations lately, couldn't the US be entirely justified in not wanting to sell advanced weapon systems to the Saudis on those merits alone. (Or rather, duh?)

Hello Avatar ADV!

Welcome to A2K!

Cycloptichorn :wink:
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Avatar ADV
Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 10:05 am
Hey, Cyc! Hope Mom's enjoying SF, it's -quiet- around here today. ;p
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Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 10:12 am
Avatar ADV wrote:
Hey, Cyc! Hope Mom's enjoying SF, it's -quiet- around here today. ;p

I imagine so - you finally turned to A2K in a fit of boredom, I see!

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Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 04:20 pm
The teacher probably would have been eventually fired for exhibiting gross ignorance.
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