Hi Roberta!
How's the work coming along? It's very exciting when one comes across you here these days!
So it's raining in NYC, huh? So I suppose your neighborhood is sparkling clean? (unlike here. :roll) I hope margo sees your message & starts dancing in ernest!
Yes, got Flatty off the roof.

Now here's taken to following me around .. inside, outside, then back inside .... all the time meowing plaintively. What this is all about I don't know. Maybe he's bored because I'm at my computer so much, doing job applications? I'm trying to think of distractions, but it appears that any activities MUST involve ME! Some times it feels like harassment.
How is Mr Mikey these days? Is he trying to distract you from your work, too? Is the visitor he's besotted with still visiting? No more surprise attacks in the night, I hope!