Finn understands many words. Even when they are spoken in normal not-to-her voice. Like "Park" and "Walk". We took to spelling them if we didn't want her to know what we were saying. Picking up her collar and leash, would get her running from anywhere in the house and dancing around excitedly. But she tries to contain herself enough to get her strapped up...

Want to play?
Osso, time for a laugh that Pacco would enjoy from Dolly and Madison with hugs and kisses:
One of the family dogs when I was a child learned to spell
She had a large vocabulary, but centered on her wants and needs.
Spelling Dog, now that's impressive!
Jingle liked ice cream--in fact she was very fond of all sorts of food. When her dog food bowl was empty she used to rattle it against the chair legs in the kitchen. She recognized the sound of the knife against the whetstone before my father carved meat. Can openers, of course, were part of her cue-system.
littlek wrote:Bella Dea wrote:I swear, all my stories revolve around Zoe's butt ending up on my head some time in the middle of the night or me waking up to a brown eye staring me in the face (if you know what I mean) She has a thing for sleeping the opposite as we do on the bed.
And, being a boxer, she no doubt farts while sleeping bottom's up.
She farts bottom up, bottom down, bottom flat, bottom draggin'...although her gas has cut down a lot since we switched her food. Thank goodness.
I like dogs very much ! I think they are lovely ,some of them even can understand human beings !
celia wrote:I like dogs very much ! I think they are lovely ,some of them even can understand human beings !

Welcome to A2K, Celia. You will find a lot of dog lovers here.
I just noticed BBB's video post - I tried but got an error for some reason. (I don't always have the plug ins to see videos).
Oh, spelling.
Set and I are at the stage where we spell words that might be of interest, whether or not the dogs are around.
I'm taking the c.a.r. later, is there anything I can pick up.
No, it's all right, I'll w.a.l.k. to the store when you're back.
I was thinking of picking up some t.r.e.a.t.s.
It seems so normal.
To us.
Our old dog (may she rest in peace) had a favorite t.r.e.a.t. Cheweez were strips of rawhide. Just the mention of their name sent her into fits of jumping and whining. Eventually just the "ch" sound would be enough.
I was remember this morning how courageous and cheerful my dogs have been facing death at the end of their allotted spans.
Pacco is still slip sliding with a gentle toe at his behind from me after I've propped his legs up. Sometimes several little toes. Weird how you get used to this. He sparks up for the slip slide within sight of the door. Advances to pee, ever closer to the house. Advances, so far, in the morning, to the back. Then settles down to a good barkathon throat clearing.
Soon or sooner I'm going to have to read and decide on one of the wheelies sites. I just don't see it as an answer in his particular situation. It's all unreal, as llK and dag know, in that the Pacc is in full personality mode.... now.
I am being Scarlett O'Hara...
But wait, this thread isn't about sorrow, but the company we have had and are having with our dogs and cats, or cats and dogs. And birds. And...
Back with more in that regard.
i remember that stage. we'd stand with feet on each side of Boo's hind legs so they don't slide away. she'd run to the door through the corridor for as long as she could walk, even ever so feebly, sending her hide to the right and to the left, baffled by her own body.... but, when she couldn't walk anymore and the wheelie cart came and kris strapped her in the very first time, you should have seen the joy when she made the first few steps and realized what this thing does. there are a few videos of her running up and down in a garden like a puppy. i think kris posted them on My baby dog thread.
Ah. And then?
I'm still working on to go timing. Have a few failures. No more nosing my knee or the cowbell...
Can't see him strapped up all the time...
I'd be better informed if I googled those websites. Maybe dogs do rest with them, dunno. Assuming not..... I don't think of it as any long term answer.
This morning, Little Miss Persnickety had her pills with ham salad. Then she informed me that sharp cheese was part of her morning routine.
She insisted that the Postal Person come across with the customary dog biscuit, although she doesn't enjoy eating the cheap biscuits.
Now she's having a restorative nap.
Osso - I was going through much of the same process as you are, as you may know. I think I waited too long for the wheelie cart. Well, I waited and then someone sent me one, I never made the decision. She had lost so much muscle and physical control, that she had a hard time learning to using it.
I don't usually get this pushy, but I request you try to decide sooner than later. I wish I could send you Boo's cart, but it wouldn't fit Pacco.
I do know, lilK. Aaaaack, I'll listen. I'll look them up tomorrow. (No, really.) Can't tell how I'll come down on it, have strong neg feelings to start. He may be as old as fifteen, old for a corgi, and it seems limitedly, very limitedly, useful for the problem at hand at my house.
Of course I need to read more.