sozobe wrote:Here's my concern, that's been somewhat alleviated by the stories here. It seems like "crushes" and "falling in love" and "he's so cute" and "she's so pretty" are everywhere in children's media. Sozlet doesn't watch a lot of TV but it's hard to avoid, and I've been worried that it's in that context that she thinks that if she likes a boy, she must like that boy.
But it seems to happen independent of modern children's media, too.
In my four year old's case - it is more of a "I like J-, he's a boy so he is my boyfriend." My older daughter is more a crush.
I do think the media and kids shows do emphasize it, but it happens any way. I don't remember seeing so much of it when I was younger, however, we still had our crushes even so. Perhaps the media is only reflecting what is going on in kids' lives any way - what is important to young children.