littlek wrote:Thanks Pdawg. I didn't mean to make you work.
One quickie, don't put too much effort into this: can a person have two colds at the same time?
I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to. It may be that competition for the same cellular terrain might favor one virus over the other. The tissues in which the virus replicates are kind of like land to farmers: there is only so much of it available, and factory farms do tend to win out over small family farms.
A more common scenario in animals -- and probably in people, too, I'd wager -- is that a virus comes in and damages the tissues, and while the body is mobilizing its defenses against the virus, bacteria move in and start to replicate. The body's defense against viral infection is to kill infected cells, and all of those dying cells are excellent food for bacteria. I know that this has been well-described in cattle and in cats and I see no reason why it shouldn't also be the case for the common cold, which has a number of epidemiologic similarities to infectious upper respiratory disease in domestic animal populations that live and work in boxes the wat we do.
(Sorry -- I've been doing a lot of work on upper respiratory disease in shelter cats lately, so all of this stuff has been on my mind.)
Lately in our house and at my school we've seemed to have a two-pronged respiratory disease going. First the infected person has a head cold that takes forever (a week or more) to set in, and then seems to be going away when -- bam! -- some sort of bronchitis sets in. If we were dogs, I'd think the bronochitis was from Bordatella -- and pertussis (a disease caused by a Bordatella species) has been in the news a bit of late. Or I think that maybe it's a Strep thing...
Anyway, the bronchitis sets in and slowly migrates up through the sinuses before it goes away over the course of a week or two. I went through this a month or two ago, the missus had it in Mexico a fortnight ago. I felt terrible for her -- can't really dig the snorkeling with sinusitis.
How's the ear, by the way?