echi wrote:Chomsky is NOT a Pol Pot apologist (NOTICE THE LACK OF EVIDENCE). This is just another example of the sort of cowardly, mudslinging tactics employed by pussies like OCCOM BILL, apparently in an attempt to make themselves look smart. Try again!
Cowardly? Pussy? You must be a kid if you think boldly hurling such accusations from safely behind a fake avatar and made up name make you sound cool. Perhaps when you grow up; you'll also notice that I did indeed provide a source to counteract the nonsense preached by your favorite idiot... including the bit about being a Pol Pot apologist:
There's 98 more examples of sensational idiocy if you'd care to look.
ebrown_p wrote:(OBill, it is not clear what you really think about Chomsky.... can you be a bit clearer about your opinion? )
Chomsky has a role to fill-- he is a dissident. This is a useful role and he plays it well. I don't see him as either Demon or Messiah. He has a place in society.
Chomsky is a critic of American policy. It is healthy for any person to question themselves... and it is healthy for any nation to question themselves as well. I think he is good for national dialog.
Many of his ideas are interesting... and the questions he raises need to be asked.
It is not fair to say that Chomsky is anti-Jewish. He is certainly anti-Israel, and there is a big difference between being anti-Jewish and anti-Israel. In general I find attempts to equate criticisms with the questionable political policies of Israel to anti-Semitism to be intellectual trickery-- and these attacks against Chomsky are groundless.
Neither Demon nor Messiah is sums up my opinion of the man. He raises the intellectually and morally challenging questions that need to be raised.
He deserves to be listened to.
Swallow a grain of salt, and then read the list of 100 Chomsky lies I linked to earlier.
There most certainly
is a place for dissidents in society, but that alone provides no excuse for Chomsky's idiocy. He doesn't
deserve to be listened to; he has a right to speak. And it is quite fitting that when he speaks nonsense it should be pointed out to fools who are only too eager to gobble up his BS as truth.
echi wrote:I agree with that, too. I've found that his detractors suffer a similar affliction (equal and opposite, I suppose).

You clearly don't realize what you're agreeing with. That's cuteĀ
But for your edification; there is nothing similar between having an appetite for sensational nonsense and NOT having an appetite for sensational nonsense.