au1929 wrote: I find that too fine a distinction. What than makes a Jew a Hebrew or a Hebrew a Jew?
IMO If one follows the Hebrew religion and one believes that all Jews [except converts] are descended from the original tribes they are indeed Hebrews. If all that was needed to be termed a Hebrew as you may be suggesting is to have descended from one of the original tribes. I would submit that Jesus and his disciples were Hebrews and that there are based upon that definition if it were valid the world is full of Hebrew Christians today.
Note: I may be misreading you.
Let us consider the origin of the name "Israel". It was given to Jacob in the Scriptures. (Interestingly, Jacob means "deceiver" or "trickster") His sons represented the 12 tribes of Israel. Among one of those 12 tribes was Joesph, the son sold to Egypt by his own brothers. Now, by definition, since Jacob became "Israel", Egypt is a part of that as Joesph married an Egyptian woman. It also concludes that there was never a physical country named Israel until 1948. "Israel" meant God's people wherever they may be.
95% of present day Israel's population descend from the Khazar tribe which originated from Mongolia. When they were driven from Mongolia, they settled in Eastern Europe. These are known today as Ashkenazi Jews. The Sephardic Jews originate from Spain. The Ashkenazis rule the roost, so to speak in Israel. The Sephardic are treated as an inferior people, despite the fact they resemble the original Semitic people moreso than the pale complexion of the Ashkenazis. The other 5% could very well be of Hebrew descent from the 12 tribes. (300,000 out of 6 million)
Zionists are a secular, political movement. If they read anything it would be the Talmud, and not the Torah. The Torah Jews do not accept Zionism as their representative and protest the Zionist hostilities against their brethren in the Middle East.
Invariably, it has become ambiguous to whether a Jew is a follower of Judaism or a race. The origins of a Jew are specifically Religious. "Israel" according to the the OT Scriptures means "God's chosen people". If a person is not "Religious" in any way, how can they be a part of "Israel"?
Therefore, present day secular Israel is a fraudulent attempt to steal the identity of "God's chosen" to justify their various unethical and immoral conduct against other people, whilst hiding behind the guise of the label "JEW". The Torah Jews recognize this fraud, thus, the reason why they protest Zionism whole heartedly.