au1929 wrote:
Hitlers disciple would only accept it if someone[anyone] came forward and said that Israel deserved to be destroyed and all Israeli's massacred.
So the poster you quoted above; is he truly a "Jew hater" that warrants the label of "Hitler's disciple" ? or is anyone who criticizes Israel considered a Jew hater?
Anyone who calls for equal Justice or International Law to apply to the Zionist cabal in Israel are usually subjected with the nauseating smear tactics such as noted above.
The question that should be asked is "WHY"?
There is a difference between condemning Israel's conduct: The flagrant disregard of Human rights & International Law, Immoral apartheid conditions they impose on innocent civilians, the treasonous attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, the theft of classified military secrets by Israel's hero Jonathan Pollard, which inevitably led to the deaths of undercover secret agents stationed in Russia;
Compared to someone who merely hates any Jew that lives in the world and desires to eradicate any evidence of their existence.
One with an ounce of cognizance will also recognize the difference between a "Zionist" and a "Jew". If one cannot differentiate between the two entities, they do a huge disservice to the Jewish race.