Atheists1 claim God certainly does not exist.
Atheists2 claim God probably doesn't exist.
Atheists3 claim God possibly doesn't exist.
Theists1 claim God certainly does exist.
Theists2 claim God probably does exist.
Theists3 claim God possibly does exist.
Agnostics1 claim they do not know whether God exists and certainly will never know.
Agnostics2 claim they do not know whether God exists and probably will never know.
Agnostics3 claim they do not know whether God exists and possibly will never know.
Deists claim ...
Well, let's go to the dictionary.
Main Entry: de·ism
Pronunciation: 'dE-"i-z&m, 'dA-
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Date: 1682
: a movement or system of thought advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe
- de·ist /'dE-ist, 'dA-/ noun, often capitalized
So Deists1 claim God certainly doesn't interfere with the laws of the universe.
So Deists2 claim God probably doesn't interfere with the laws of the universe.
So Deists3 claim God possibly doesn't interfere with the laws of the universe.
Here's a new one (at least new to me)
Universists1 claim God is certainly a synonym for the universe.
Universists2 claim God is probably a synonym for the universe.
Universists3 claim God is possibly a synonym for the universe.
So my speculation/fantasy/guess makes me a universist3.
Well how about that?
If God were actually a synonym for the universe
and the universe were to actually exist, then God would actually exist.
If present data is certainly valid, then the universe is certainly finite and is certainly expanding at an accelerating rate.
If that is certainly true, then it is possible that the universe is revolving.
If the universe is revolving, then it is possible that as it expands its rate of revolution decreases due to the law of the conservation of momentum and so does the acceleration rate of its speed of expansion decrease.
If the acceleration rate of its speed of expansion is decreasing, then it is possible that at some future time due to the gravity of the stuff (i.e., matter and energy) it contains it will stop expanding.
If at some future time the universe stops expanding, then it is possible that due to the gravity of its stuff it will begin to contract.
If it begins to contract, then it is possible that it will contract until the heat of its stuff creates a pressure that exceeds the gravity of its stuff.
If it will contract until the heat of its stuff creates a pressure that exceeds the gravity of its stuff, then it is possible that it will begin to expand again, etc..
If it begins to expand again, then it is possible that it will begin to revolve again at an initially very high rate.
If it revolves again at an initially very high rate, then it is possible that the universe pulsates.
If the universe pulsates, then it is possible it has been pulsating for infinite time.
If it has pulsated for infinite time, then it is possible that my probability calculations for the evolution of life that are based on a finite time and finite stuff universe are invalid.
If my probability calculations for the evolution of life by
undirected chance plus natural selection that are based on a finite time and finite stuff universe are invalid, then it is possible that
undirected chance plus natural selection are sufficient cause for the evolution of life.
undirected chance plus natural selection are sufficient cause for the evolution of life, then it is possible that Frank is
Oh my God!

Can that
really be possible
Can you believe it? :wink: