I'm still with y'all but I am afraid we are just reiterating the same arguement. When Icans math (which is far superior to mine) shows that random chance is not enough to account for the number of successful mutations (evolving mechanisms) then we (mutually) agree (d) that this is unlikley as far as explaining "how we exist".
But when I went back further and further from the complex organisims that we all agree we are, I found organisms that are impossible to describe as living or dead.
Some prions fit this description, and a very few viruses. They are not capable of being killed. ( If you cannot kill it, is it alive?) In one experiment that I read about it is even possible to crystallize this "compound". You could use it as sand in your cement block house if you wanted. BUT when you "reconstitute" it it is still capable of reproducing (infectous), given the proper environment.
In reading about "Mad Cow Disease", "Kuru" ,"AltzheimersDisease", and "Krutzfeld-Jacobs Disease the infective agent does not seem to be capable of being killed, at best it can only be rendered dormant. (if it was injected into a human what do you think would happen?" This is the basis in fact of the problem with Britains beef cows. Many children were vaccinated with viruses grown in a "beef based medium".) ( If you want to scare yourself, think about blood transfusions and Altzheimers)
Is dormant, capable of being "resurrected" actually dead. If capable of being resurrected is it capable of evolving? If capable of evolving is it our ancestor?
Personally, I think so. Life itself carries the intelligence necessary to select chances. Life, with its umbiquitous presence, has the ability to drive evolution. AND "life", a purely natural response to existing conditions, has the "ability" to throw an extra Ace in any hand it happens to come upon. Life doesn't want this ability, doesn't really need it to survive. BUT to survive better (in other than its specific ecological niche) it needs to change somewhat. (Skew the odds a bit)
This gives you "greed",religion, "jealousy" "competiveness" "free will" and all the other attributes you need to become human.
As I have asked before, I need some other indication of a Supreme Intelligence". Should One exist it should (IMO) exist outside of pure, ineveitable physics. So far thats all we've got. I don't think One exists

There is no evidence, so far, of one.
Read back, IMO it's worth it.
