neologist wrote:But anyway, chapters 17 and 18 of the book of revelation describe the destruction of Babylon the Great, which can be nothing other than the aggregate of all perverted and God dishonoring religions.
I know that you are honest enough to admit that even were the likelihood reasonably rated at 99.995%, there is no good basis for you to say that chapters of scripture, and especially of a book of scripture of so ambiguous a character as is
Revelations--there can only be one meaning to anything. However, even if one stipulates your meaning, you still have the problem of the very subjective nature of saying that this or that belief is "perverted," and "god-dishonoring." Such a point of view can only be predicated upon religious particularism and a religious supremacist point of view.
More to the point, in the context of you having quoted Vikorr, who referred to Islam--your comment to the effect that there were a:
powerful worldwide organization will nearly succeed in wiping out religions entirely--could only refer to Islam. But that is not necessarily what i thought you had in mind. Do you care to elaborate, and to tell us what the character of such an organization would be, or