snood wrote:I don't think this ever has to be about me or you or any individual again, unless someone makes it that way.
Oh, someone always "makes it that way"--and that someone is you. However, you're being disingenuous. You have gone after me, and followed me around with your toady Intrepid because i attacked MOAN. I originally simply pointed out that remarks she made were idiotic, or unsupportable--to which she responded with acrimony verging on hysteria. She then willfully lied, on more than one occasion, and in particular, used information which she dug up about me in a search in an attempt to get my sympathy, and thereby create an entree for herself here.
So, i despise her. Thereafter, i took the gloves off. When i saw her lying, i told her she was a liar. When i was uncertain, i pointed out that she couldn't be trusted because she was known to be a liar. When she vaunted her excellence as a humble and devout christian, i held a mirror up to her false humility and her egocentric, religiously-centered pride. It made her angry, but it made you absolutely insane.
Our nastiest exchanges always grew out of your desire to play the white knight of christianity, riding up to save the poor innocent (choke, choke, gag, puke) damsel, MOAN. You and she deserve each other, and you eared every vicious remark i ever aimed at you, and you begged for them as well.
Go whine somewhere else, where there are no witnesses to your viciousness and your hypocricy, past and present. Shall we send a PM and ask Lash to come and comment on you and MOAN?