Chumly wrote:Asherman wrote:The target is NEVER innocent civilians , much less children.
Exempting the rationalization for such killings, your assertion is false. The US has indeed targeted civilians and children with foresight and intent.
Example: American indigenous peoples
Example: Nagaaski
While Asherman is trying to dance around Hiroshima and Nagasaki, let me expand your list with the deliberate fire-bombing of more that 60 cities in Japan, ordered and planned by "Hap" Arnold and Curtis LeMay. Robert McNamara was in the United States Army Air Force Office of Statistical Control in the Second World War, and analyzed LeMay's bombing missions. In the documentary,
Fog of War, he says that LeMay told him that had we lost the war, they would have been tried for war crimes.
The firebombing of Tokyo on the night of May 26, 1945, is estimated to have killed more than 72,000 people. That is more people than the number killed in the firebombing of Dresden, or in Hiroshima with an atomic bomb, or in Nagasaki, also with an atomic bomb. The deliberate fire bombing of Japan, more than 60 cities, is ironic, given that the Americans carried out daylight, precision bombing raids over Germany, eventually suffering more than 30,000 air crew casualties. But, then, we're just talking about a bunch of slant-eyed Japs, right?