Jobs helped, but theres still high unemployment, maybe europe uniting, situation becoming more comfortable, but tbh i think people just got pissed off with it, its hard living under heavy security and not knowing one day from the next, it was hard to drive anywhere without getting stopped and searched, there has been many occassions when u just took a quick run to the shop and got stopped, had the car searched from top to bottom aswell as myself, 5 min drive took over an hour, hard to explain to someone who didn't live it, but it was unpleasant, especially when mobile phones where not in common use.
Oh and all the shootings and killings, seeing scumbags becoming powerful cause they joined a terrorist group and expecting respect, i think it was only a matter of time until the normal person rouse against them, which was happening, near the end of the troubles it was common for groups of "NON-terrorists" to give "Terrorists" beatens, then the "terrorists" would kneecap the "NON", then the "NON" would break a baseball bat over the head of the "Terrorist". I think you get my meaning. Terrorist = money = drugs = misery, they no longer protected the community, just made it miserable.
and thank god for the muslim terrorists cause us over here can now go to england and not be hated for our past, most of england now hate muslims.
Chumly wrote:Coming from NA I'll bet you have your share of religious wackos! Care to tell us a bit about that?
[/quote]Yup I meant NI, what do you think caused the mellowing out, my guess would be in large part a more robust economy.[/quote]