That was the legend on a purse marketed to young girls that we saw at the mall yesterday. It also had a picture of a rabbit pointing and laughing uproariously.
I've noticed that on the shows sozlet watches, the girls are always smart and capable and the boys are bumblers. Just now we were watching "Blue's Clues" (usually utterly safe from anything iffy) and there was an experiment with magnets, seeing what magnets would and wouldn't attract. There were four kids, four attempts. At the end of it, sozlet said to me, "The girls' experiments always worked, and the boys' didn't." I remembered that something similar came up on "Curious George," too, another
nice show. (Kids in a classroom tried something, the girls succeeded, boys didn't, sozlet commented.)
After this latest comment, I asked her "are girls smarter than boys?" ...
She changed her answer. The first time she said some variation of "yes" but I couldn't remember exactly what she said, so I just asked her again. This time she nodded, paused, and then said, "At least that's what I
feel like but I think that really they're the same" (while making the sign for "equal").
Anyway, has this gotten out of control? Obviously my anecdotes don't a trend make but I've seen a LOT of this, those are just the examples I can think of right off. Have you noticed it? What do you think the implications are, if any?