No offence VL, but rhetoric does not an argument make...and regarding your liberal pubes, you may wanna think of trimming down there a bit...does wonders for the dating life

Good to see we are starting to all get along here
rhetoric is a good place to start sometimes... before I got here, there was no argument.
it was a dull session of congratulatory self-indulgence
and I don't date anymore

or is that
... so I can let my pubes grow with abandon
Violet Lake wrote:... before I got here, there was no argument.
it was a dull session of congratulatory self-indulgence
If someone is full of themselves, and delusional, is that what the writers mean when they refer to the "stuff of dreams"?
I may have to take up shaving
some of you take yourselves too seriously... lighten up, have a nice day
VL's a piece of work, that's for sure . . .
an imperfect contraption of flesh & bone to be sure...
I really should get to work, but you folks are fun to chat with... sigh...
Yeah, fun. that's the reason...
Wow...I check back into this thread and find about 5 more pages...unbelievable!
1. EdgarBlythe: I apologize to you;
2. Snood: I thank you (and Jespah) for locking the Whiteness thread;
3. Cav: I just love you!
Some participants on the thread seem to think there are only two choices--PC or bigotry.
I think PC makes bigotry easier for those who practice it. They have read the rules, and speak carefully. As long as they mind their PC manners, they are considered acceptable--stamped with the PC Stamp of Approval, no matter what they truly feel, or say to their friends and family. PC is fake. Its a facade. PC cheapens how we judge the content of others' character. We take the easy way out in accessing the racial sensitivity of those around us. Do you think everyone who adheres to PC is pure of racism? Do you think everyone who rejects PC is a racist? If either of those answers is no; what is the benefit of PC?
Does common decency have to be called PC? Was there no common decency before people started forcing PC down the nation's throat?
Do you think all Politically Correct people are free of bigotry? Please! I think there are far more PC bigots than not. We should not speak prejudiciously BECAUSE IT IS WRONG, not because you think someone is going to call you on it.
It lends to a camoflague. I'd rather hear what people really mean, and deal with it head-on.
snood's comment above reminded me of one phrase I refused to drop. "You people". When I said it, I meant the group of people standing talking to me at that time. One time, the group I was talking to happened to be all black. They looked at me like I'd grown two heads. We were standing around bullshitting, and I said something like "You people are crazy!"......."I had to say, "You people standing right here. Hell, I 'you peopled' my children this morning." Then, they laughed. Those two words had been given some nutty power, like used together they could only have a negative connotation towards black people. Well, I don't give words power. I didn't mean a negative connotation, and I refused to strike those two words from my volcabulary. This is what I mean by PC.
I loved the Seinfeld episode where Kramer went to the AIDS Walk.
He wanted to make a statement in support of AIDS victims, and help raise money for AIDS research.
When he signed up, the woman tried to hand him an AIDS ribbon. Well, he didn't want to wear it. She became irate, and said, "You have to wear the AIDS ribbon!! Why don't you want to wear it?"
He said, "Because you said I have to." The crowd yelled at him, chased him down and beat him up.
A PC moment.
Sweetcomplication - I am sorry also. I don't want there to be bad blood between you and I or any other a2k people. Too many other ways to vent our ire, like getting a good president elected and societal justice.
EB: Thank you for accepting my apology. No bad blood, or any kind of blood, ever between us again. You know how much I care about you ...

:wink: ! Social justice and a good president would be a very good thing ...
<sniff> I can feel the love...I'm gonna go listen to my Barry White collection before I tear up too much
Cav -
You're such an old softie.
Baby, please don't go
Baby, please don't go
oh, wait, that would be on the 'lyrics' thread - but, seriously, come back Cav- you can handle it - honest :wink:
yes definitely good comments sofia
Many thanks, vivien and violet.
<Violet, I see you're too chicken to insult my black avatar... It WOULDN'T BE PC!

:wink: >