Wed 7 Mar, 2007 05:11 am
Put your teeth in and come on down -- imagine us all together, and do a little magic and see us all as within the right age group, of course -- we're gonna retire together.
Look out, nurses.
-- inspired by this post --
Where's the elder police!? Gus stole the last box of Depends, Slappy greased the bottom of my walker with Bengay, and Bear stole a banana at snack to put in his pants to make the ladies think he can still get an erection - I want justice!
Durn it, I'm slowing down as I get on in years. Now, where's the jello! I was promised lime jello!
Can ya'll keep it down out there some of us are trying to sleep!
Someone took my glasses, my teeth and the book I was reading AND I KNOW WHO IT IS, TOO.
Is it the miscreant who lied to me about the lime jello?
Hey, wait a second, these teeth taste funny.
jespah, shewolf and region (looks like wolf might have had some nip and tuck)
See you ladies later!
Bella and I are going to to the bingo room.
We're gonna sneak cigarettes in!
Well, I was allowed out for an ice cream social.
Anyone got a napkin for me?
Oops. I forgot if I'm going to the bathroom to use it or if I'm just coming out after. Oh well. Anyone got something I can soak this Melba Toast in?
can we please get an orderly to remove mr doo hoo from the nurses station
Who's next for checkers???
Bipolarbear is being moved to a different nursing home as we speak
yes, that's all fine and well, but the election was last year, brandon
BPB likes what he sees at the new home
Oh my, Nurse Radgid sure has changed....
djjd62 wrote:jespah, shewolf and region (looks like wolf might have had some nip and tuck)
i'm gonna give that whipper-snapper with the camera what-fer.
he made us late for the shuffle board tournament...
Can someone tells me what this says? I can't find my bifocals.
Someone stole all my salt packets!
Now I'll have to find a new hiding place....