okie wrote:Your party has been out to destroy Bush from the very beginning. That is its platform, period. I see nothing else substantial. In fact, as Howard Dean has admitted in the past, their job does not include doing anything in terms of advocating policy, as it is all about defeating Bush's policies. No matter what they are, even if they voted for them, as in the case of the Iraq war, they will find a way to blame Bush for everything and attempt to have any of his policies fail.
Oh, what BS okie.. Complete and total BS. Our party has been out to destroy Bush from the very beginning? Hogwash. Bush had 90% of the country behind him at one point. He is the one that took us into Iraq on information that has since proved to be false. It's the dem's fault because they didn't stop him? What complete crap.
Quote: I thought Pelosi was going to establish a new tone in Washington? By the way, where are the equal opportunity investigations.
The job of congress is oversight. More BS from you okie.
The Democrats have done nothing, absolutely nothing, but try to tear down the military, the war on terror, national security, the country, and the administration. Anyone they think might be vulnerable, with the cooperation of a willing press, they will grasp at any straw to hound anyone until they quit or are fired.
The only straw I see there okie is your argument that the dems are tearing down everything. Can't stick with the facts so you have to create a strawman?
Quote:Their ultimate goal is Bush himself, and they will not be content until they have tried everything imaginable in their bag of tricks. If one trick doesn't work, its on to the next.
Cyclops, I caution the Democrats however that the public may be growing tired of this. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but people will eventually see through this fasaud.
The fraud the people are growing tired of is the fraud coming from your side okie.
Quote: There are still a few people that care about their country, and they are growing weary of this nonsense.
The nonsense of saying if we don't agree with the RW idiots then we don't care about this country? Yeah, people are getting DAMN tired of that crap okie. It is such BULL ****. Complete and utter BULL ****. I am damn tired of your side wrapping itself in the flag and stating anyone that doesn't agree with you is supporting the terrorists or doesn't remember 9./11. Why don't you crawl back into your **** hole. People are damned tired of your slimey BS.
Quote: People want to feel good about themselves, and they do not like being trashed on day after day. Some that hate the country and want it defeated might, but I hope those are still in the minority.
So, why do you trash the 80% of this country that disagrees with you then? Just cut the crap okie. We are all Americans. Saying the other side doesn't care about America is tiring and boring and we are all damned tired of it. Stop trashing us. Stop your silly ass games. Stop and think before you go on a tirade about how others are tired of the games before you pull your bull ****.
I am tired. I am tired of the BULL ****. I am tired of being called unamerican. I am tired of people implying I support terrorism. I am tired of being told that I can't be American unless I kiss Bush's ass. The whole country is tired of this BULL **** okie. Opposition in the US doesn't make one not an American. It makes them VERY American. If you can't see that then you can kiss my ass. I will not stand for the BULL **** any more. NEVER AGAIN from you okie. I will call BULL **** every time you pull this crap. Americans are waking up okie and you are starting to piss them off. If you can't remember that Americans are Americans then get the **** out of our way because we will run you over.