Craven de Kere wrote:I wish his comment wouldn''t be misconstrued as asking for Iraqi's to kill our soldiers. It was clearly not such.
I think it was accurately described as phony macho rhetoric. But I do not think it is something that should be used by Bush opponents. Thing is, to many soldiers and citizens that is the type of rhetoric they like to hear.
It was goading, Craven. It was inciting, badgering.
If this were the NFL instead of an international expeditionary force involved, it is the kind of thing the opposing coach would have enlarged and tacked to the team bulletin board.
The reason the coach would do that would be to infuriate his team -- and I dare say, since coaches speak in metaphores, he might refer to it in his pre-game comments and end with: "Let's go out an anihilate 'em!"
Whether the moron meant it to be an invitation to Iraqis to kill American soldier or not -- it could end up doing exactly that.
In any case, I don't think most of us who are bothered by what Bush said -- or his macho bullshit -- actually think he meant to ask Iraqis to kill our people.
I appreciate the intellectual reasoning and restraint that went into your posting here, but I respectfully consider it ill-advised.
Bush should hang his head in shame -- but I think he is too stupid to understand his gaff. No press secretary should ever have to justify something as ignorant as this. Except that he seems delighted to do it, I'd feel sorry for Ari.