Sat 24 Feb, 2007 05:07 pm
Seems there's an element that when they get banned or locked out of a different forum they manage to migrate their way to a2k with the sole intent of seening just how far they can puch before they get banned from here as well (as if we didn't already have our share of mouth breathers.)
Quit talking about me!!!!!
You are not telling us the news, dys.
When are we going to get the hamsters to move this place uphill so it all stops rolling down here?
Then you're just a mean ole' poopity-head.
Geez. I had surgery for a deviated septum. Gosh darn thing grew back not longer after the swelling from the operation went down.
I'm just so sick and tired of being insulted and attacked by all you people. They don't pay me enough to stay on A2K. So quit it or...or...I'll resign or something.
Well, let me tell you about having some experience in that banning stuff...
Yes, CI, but they always let you back in because you're so lovable......
I am not "loveable." I'm a mean, dirty old senior, without any sense of decorum.
Waves to CI..
Still, mouth breathing is related to allergy or nasal trouble. Among the wrongly made fun of are mouth breathers. Would they had access to care..
But I get your general point, people do that metaphorically here.
roger wrote:Geez. I had surgery for a deviated septum. Gosh darn thing grew back not longer after the swelling from the operation went down.
I hear ya, add to that rather small nasal passages to begin with, extremely dry winters . . . Sometimes I wake up in the morning in a pool of my own drool.
HM#3 is a mouth breather.
(I'm sorry, that made me laugh.)
Being an allergic bundle myself on occasions past, I'm mostly sympathetic.
Just that allergy is not all that affects hm#3.
I'm curious about how this banning stuff works. Do the monitors send you an email or do they just block your access to the site? Also, what would stop a person from getting on another computer with another name and coming on the site anyway?
revel wrote:I'm curious about how this banning stuff works. Do the monitors send you an email or do they just block your access to the site? Also, what would stop a person from getting on another computer with another name and coming on the site anyway?
Having never been banned, I can't answer the first part of your question. As to the second part, however, the answer is: absolutely nothing (and it happens all the time).
Re: Mouth breathers
dyslexia wrote:Seems there's an element that when they get banned or locked out of a different forum they manage to migrate their way to a2k with the sole intent of seening just how far they can puch before they get banned from here as well (as if we didn't already have our share of mouth breathers.)
That's interesting (& rather pathetic).
I know names can't be named but some folk actually get a kick out of being banned from a number of different forums?
Do they generally have the same username from forum to forum?
Any particular types of posters? Political, perhaps?
MsOlga -- no, they generally change their names to get back on. There's one notorious pain-in-the-posterior who has been on this forum under at least a half-dozen sobriquets, starting with Massagato, then Italgato, then ... who can remember. This same poster has also been banned from other forums I'm familiar with. He's usually spotted fairly fast by people who have reacted with him before. His posting style gives him away. Then there was Kak on Abuzz who actually boasted that she had posted on that site under at least two dozen different guises. She's been on this site a number of times under various noms, including New Haven. There are a number of others. Remember Crissy? She's back, I believe, but I won't mention the new name.
Many sites are absoluetly rife with this sort of thing.
Thanks for that, Andrew.
This is the only forum I frequent, so I guess I wouldn't know all that much about what goes on ...
Beats me, though, that any one would bother.: Everyone thinks the poster is a pain in the bum. What an achievement! What a claim to fame!