Today started off weird. I got off at 110th because I wanted to start with some hills. It's not a nice neighborhood and at 5:30AM it was not a nice neighborhood that was
pitch black.
The street lights were not on in the park. Just the traffic signals. How dark was it? Try shutting your eyes AND putting hands over them, then imagine a teeny green light in the distance up that hill. Okay, run, now don't trip, and try not to imagine that there are a hundred crackheads in the bushs right next to your elbow.
That improved your speed up that hill, didn't it?
It was very unsettling, but once you are in the park, you are pretty much committed to running until you get to a lighted area which I did very fast.
There's nothing to think about on long runs. It's not like you are in a race where you are trying to hit mile posts at a certain time nor do you have to spend any brainpower in avoiding hazards.
Races are full of hazards,
horizontal lines of best friend runners loping along and blocking half the roadway,
stuff - shirts, water cups, water bottles, hats, armbands, kneebands, headbands, gloves, unidentified hair holding thingies and more shirts- that have been tossed or fallen off other runners,
walkers- those who are proudly walking~good for them~ at ONE THIRD the pace of all the others in the middle of the road

great masses of runners who have suddenly thought "Hey, maybe I will stop at that water table." and who then enmasse attempt to cut a tangent across the thousands who are not stopping,
and finally, the guy who had to stop at the portapottie at the two mile mark and who now is trying to catch his friends who are three miles ahead, who comes barreling through the runners like that that idiot on the Jersey Turnpike who tries to speed his way through the beach traffic back-up.
So anyway, I was on the long run this morning and I was thinking: Are you going to run back up the river and up the hills? And this committee in my brain considered this week this way-- one short run on Monday and two even shorter runs later in the week, followed by this long run and then there is a RACE tomorrow. Yes, a qualifying race which I must do for next year's marathon, so maybe not so smart to go too far.
(That started another thought about how I always say this is my first marathon with the implication in my mind that it will be the first of many.)
So at the end of the second loop with a little side trip and some extra tenths at the south end of the park I stopped at just over 13 miles and felt really good about it.
I also figured out a route in my neighborhood that is a circle that is all uphill.
Joe(there's an elevator involved)Nation
57 days to go. Oh, I now have 1005 miles logged.